FONMO: The dating trend helping Gen Z recognise toxic dating patterns this summer

Tired of feeling the pressure to rush into a serious relationship, hit certain life milestones or conform to societal norms? Enter FONMO, No Fear of Missing Out, the trend gaining momentum with Gen Z online daters.

According to Tina Wilson, a leading relationship expert and Founder of Wingman, FONMO is the new dating trend inspired by the famous phrase FOMO, aka Fear of Missing Out.

If you've been living under a rock, FOMO is when you can experience anxiety or concern about missing out on something exciting or interesting, a phenomenon that has grown due to the popularity of social media.

FONMO flips this, with Gen Z daters deciding to take love at their own pace rather than rushing romances to try and reach certain milestones by society's deadlines.

"Instead of succumbing to pressure, Gen Z are now embracing the idea that there isn't a strict timeline for settling down or starting a family. It's all about psychologically, taking back your power," Tina explains.

"The theory is that young online daters are in fact throwing out the rule book and writing their own narrative. They are vocal about their stance on love and life, choosing to navigate dating and relationships at their own pace, often having a bit of fun along the way, life is too short after all."

According to the expert, this new trend could potentially save daters from bad relationships by enabling them to quickly recognise classic toxic dating traits.

"By setting clear boundaries and being confident in their own path and own intentions, FONMO dating could be the hidden secret to paving the way for healthier and more fulfilling romantic connections," she continues. "When you don't feel pressured and enjoying the dating scene, that's when the right match can often appear unexpectedly."

In conclusion, Tina says, "FONMO is more than a trend; it's a movement that embraces a more authentic and a more empowered approach to dating and relationships."