'Forgotten toy shop' opens and owner says there's more to life than electronics

Some of the toys at The Forgotten Toy Shop
-Credit: (Image: Karen Dorn)

A new store in Edwalton is a "dream come true" for the owner who always wanted to expand her online toy business with a physical shop. Karen Dorn opened The Forgotten Toy Shop on Earlswood Drive, Edwalton on Friday, May 10, and a month later business is thriving.

She explained: "It ranges from pocket money sort of style toys like your typical little tiny play things through to retro toys like Care Bears and My Little Ponies, all those sorts of things. There are family board games, hand puppets and also some little craft kits and things like that."

Karen also sells a range of classic children's books, such as Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl, as well as classic games like dominoes and jacks, little trinket toys and old-fashioned polyglider planes. She added: "Small things that are not really expensive but you can have loads of fun with them.

"It's really nice seeing their faces light up and it shows them that there is more than just the electronics around." She prides herself on the business being affordable and has items for sale from 50p and the most expensive item in the store is a den building kit for £45.

She described the business as being "a dream come true" as she had always wanted her own store. Karen explained: "Since I started the business I have always thought I would love to have an actual physical store to showcase the toys to people and give that customer service.

Karen Dorn
Karen Dorn -Credit:Karen Dorn

"Online there is only a certain degree of customer service you can give and you can't really talk to people and show the products and that's what I have always wanted to let them do. I've always wanted a shop, but I was never in a position financially or found the right place to have one."

Since officially launching the business in 2015, Karen has been selling toys that encourage creativity and imaginative play online as well as at local events and markets. Speaking about how the last four weeks have been since launching, Karen shared: "It has gone really well and it's been well received by the local community and everything which is really nice.

"There have been some really nice comments with people coming in and saying they love to see the old-fashioned toys."