A former butler has revealed the 'hilarious' antics of the Royal family on Christmas Day

queen camilla, king charles, prince william and kate middleton
A former butler on Royal Christmas anticsChris Jackson - Getty Images

The Royal family are all about tradition, especially when it comes to Christmas Day. From their annual walk to St. Mary Magdalene Church for the 11am service, to everyone sitting down to watch the King's (was: Queen's) speech at 3pm on the dot, a Royal Christmas is very much a military operation.

However, a former Royal butler has recently spilt some secrets from the big day that otherwise, the public would be none the wiser to, while speaking to the online gaming site, Slingo. Specifically sharing that Christmas is not all duty and service - rather, the Royals let their hair down and enjoy the festive get-together just like any other family.

According to Grant Harrold - who used to be King Charles' butler when he was Prince - the Royals work hard "to make Christmas an important time for the family."

"The King will do what he can to carry on that tradition as it has been what he's used to while growing up. I don't think he would want to let that tradition stop."

Aside from other said traditions that include the Christmas menu being written in French and the dinner being an old-fashioned affair, Grant added that ultimately, the Royal family simply like to have fun.

"It was always so festive and made you feel so involved and welcome to be a part of the celebrations. We would always be invited to the Christmas parties within the family, which were always so exciting," he recalled.

Grant then reminisced on one particular Christmas party at St James' Palace where he was hanging out with Prince William, Prince Harry and Queen Camilla.

"I remember there was a water fight going on between another member of staff and Prince William - and I was in the firing line sitting between them."

Grant added that the Royal vs staff water fight was "hilarious," and that "everyone was in fits of laughter," before concluding: "It really opened my eyes to how fun the Royals are deep down."

Err, hands up who'd love to see a water fight between the Royal kids and their parents?!

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