'Foul-mouthed Town fan' hunted after vandals attack Huddersfield tourist attraction

A vandal attack at a Huddersfield tourist attraction has left the operators feeling worried and frustrated.

Vandals using blue spray paint damaged trees, bridges and a platform at Whistlestop Valley, also known as Kirklees Light Railway, a steam train attraction running from Clayton West to Shelley, Huddersfield.

They also hurled huge rocks onto the tracks and jammed stones between the points which runs the risk of trains being derailed.

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Whistlestop Valley is now appealing for help to identify those responsible. It is believed the paint may have been taken from a building site in Skelmanthorpe.

Foul language graffiti at Whistlestop Valley, also known as Kirklees Light Railway -Credit:Whistlestop Valley
Foul language graffiti at Whistlestop Valley, also known as Kirklees Light Railway -Credit:Whistlestop Valley

One piece of graffiti reads 'HTFC' which suggests the culprit may be a Town fan. The vandal daubed 'KLR 't*****s' and 'KLR w*****s' - abuse presumably aimed at the railway itself. The attack happened between Thursday evening and Friday morning last week.

A Whistlestop Valley spokesman said the intruders had been on the tracks our the Skelmanthorpe station and Cuckoos Nest.

A spokesperson said: "Whilst trespassing incidents are in themselves dangerous, to find such extensive criminal damage on bridges, trees and a large portion of our platform is beyond belief.

"The rubble you see has been dropped from a height off Strike Lane bridge at Skelmanthorpe. Thankfully there were no trains running, but it’s not uncommon for services to run into the evening, and we can’t comprehend what damage may have been caused.

'HTFC' graffiti at Kirklees Light Railway, near Skelmanthorpe -Credit:Whistlestop Valley
'HTFC' graffiti at Kirklees Light Railway, near Skelmanthorpe -Credit:Whistlestop Valley

"We are appealing for local residents to help us identify those responsible."

They shared photos on social media and edited them due to the bad language, adding: "We must now spend time clearing this damage, rather than focusing on more critical works. West Yorkshire Police have been informed.

"If you have any information that could help us identify those responsible, please get in touch with us or West Yorkshire Police."

The spokesman said the damage had left them feeling "very concerned, disappointed and frustrated".

Large stones hurled onto the track at Whistlestop Valley, also known as Kirklees Light Railway -Credit:Whistlestop Valley
Large stones hurled onto the track at Whistlestop Valley, also known as Kirklees Light Railway -Credit:Whistlestop Valley