Thamesmead and Catford men posted online adverts offering children for sex

Tyler Belgrave-Breeds and Clinton Easy have been jailed <i>(Image: Met Police)</i>
Tyler Belgrave-Breeds and Clinton Easy have been jailed (Image: Met Police)

Two men who posted online adverts offering children to be used for sexual acts have been jailed.

Clinton Easy, 31, and Tyler Belgrave-Breeds, 33, were each jailed for two years and six months for controlling prostitution and possessing and distributing indecent images of children.

Easy, from Catford, was on the Met Police’s V100 list - built using data analytics to identify and target men who pose the most threat to women and girls.

Officers saw evidence that Easy was advertising children online and he was arrested in November 2021.

Police seized his devices and found a a series of adverts he had made to arrange sex with the young girls. 

As a result officers safeguarded three victims aged between 13 and 17.

Clinton Easy (Image: Met Police)

They then traced Easy’s adverts to Belgrave-Breeds, of Walsham Close in Thamesmead, and found more evidence to prove he had paid for online ads to promote sex with the girls.

The pair appeared at Woolwich Crown Court on Friday (June 21) and were jailed.

Both were given a sexual harm prevention order and placed on the sex offenders register for seven years.

Detective Sergeant Katy Lee, who led the investigation, said: “This investigation was complex with the team reviewing thousands of text messages and tracing different sim cards used by the suspects to try and avoid being caught.

“We are thorough in our work and will leave no stone unturned to build up evidence and help get these criminals behind bars and safeguard their victims from further harm.

"We take harm to children and girls with the utmost seriousness and I am proud we are able to protect our communities as part of our mission to make London safer for women and girls.”

Tyler Belgrave-Breeds (Image: Met Police)Belgrave-Breeds previously made headlines in 2014 when he was caught on CCTV brawling with a bus driver in Bexleyheath.

After his friend Shaun Dickson was asked to leave the number 89 bus for having an out-of-date pass, Belgrave-Breeds hurled abuse at the drivers head, repeatedly turned the mirror of the double-decker back-to-front as a prank and threw a can of drink at the driver’s head.

Dickson became involved in the scuffle which followed, watched by dozens of school children and other onlookers at the bus stop by the Clock Tower in Bexleyheath.

For that Belgrave-Breeds was jailed for 14 weeks.