Four dead as boat full of tourists capsizes on Italian lake

At least four people died after a boat full of tourists capsized on a lake in Italy.

The 52ft boat, said to have been hired to celebrate a birthday of British tourists, overturned during a “whirlwind” on Lake Maggiore on Sunday evening.

The vessel had been carrying 25 people, including 23 tourists and two crew, Italy’s Varese News said.

Miraculously, 14 people managed to reach the nearby Piccaluga boat yard, while five others were taken to the lakeside town of Lisanza by Italian police and firefighters.

Many of the survivors reportedly swam to shore. But two were on Sunday night said to be in a "moderately critical" condition, with three others treated at hospital for less serious injuries.

Rescue teams, including divers, worked into the night, combing the area where the boat went down, hunting for those missing.

Lake Maggiore is Italy’s second largest and popular with tourists.

Video released by the local fire service showed pieces of wooden debris floating in the lake as a helicopter flew overhead.

The whirlwind was part of a storm system that hit Lombardy on Sunday, forcing delays at Malpensa airport.

Attilio Fontana, the region’s president, said: “...A whirlwind caused a very serious accident. The firefighters of the Milan diving unit are at work on the spot together with the guard coast, to the air rescue and to the ambulances of Areu.

“I am following with apprehension the updates of the rescue teams on the spot which I thank.”

Lake Maggiore has suffered poor weather over the last day, with Italy’s meteorological service issuing thunderstorm warnings.

The UK Foreign Office said: “We are in contact with local authorities in Italy after a boat accident and are ready to provide consular assistance to any British nationals involved.”