Four hundred year old almshouses which once sheltered Anglesey's poor could become starter homes

Dafydd Idriswyn - chair of the Penmynydd Almshouse trustees pictured at the site which could be developed into starter homes for young people
-Credit: (Image: Dale Spridgeon)

An empty row of 17th century almshouses which once provided shelter to Anglesey's poor could soon be the subject of an estimated £600K development to create starter homes for young people. Plans for an "exciting" renovation scheme has been revealed by the trustees of the Grade II listed Penmynydd Almshouses - also known as the Lewis Rogers Almshouses

The tiny homes built around 1620, were originally designed to house the destitute of 'good and honest" character and were occupied for the best part of 400 years, managed by trustees.

The idea for the almshouses originally come about because of the will of a barber surgeon Lewis Rogers, who died in London, in 1618.

Due to a lack of funds in his estate, the scheme was taken on and expanded by his friend Lewis Owen - who had been a 'Serjeant of the King's Larder' to James I'- and is believed to have connections to the Tudor dynasty of Penmynydd.

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The homes were originally built to provide shelter and relief for those from the Pentraeth, Llanddyfynan, Llanfihangel, Ysgeifiog areas.

Original features at the Penmynydd Almshouses
Original features at the Penmynydd Almshouses -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

The last residents moved out several decades ago, and the homes have since remained unoccupied and are falling into ruin. Now, in a scheme to breathe new life into the property the trustees are hoping to develop them into homes which could be rented out at "a social housing level rate, possibly lower, " to help local young people in the area find affordable homes.

"It's really exciting project, and the beauty of it is it is being run by local people for local people," said chair of the trustees Dafydd Idriswyn.

Artist impression of what the homes might look like
Artist impression of what the homes might look like -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

"We've identified a need for two bedroomed homes for young people in the area. Affordable homes in rural parts of Anglesey are impossible to come by.

"Often social housing schemes are aimed at more urban areas, but in rural areas there are fewer homes, and what houses are there are often snapped up for holiday accommodation.

"The almshouses were always intended to help people, but we hope they will now be used to give younger members of the local community a start in life.

Dafydd Idriswyn - chair of the Penmynydd Almshouse trustees pictured at the site which could be developed into starter homes for young people
Dafydd Idriswyn - chair of the Penmynydd Almshouse trustees pictured at the site which could be developed into starter homes for young people -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

"We estimate it could cost about £600,000, we have had help to put together a business plan, we have reserves, and we are seeking match funding and applying for grants, but we would love to hear from anyone interested in helping to support the project."

The almshouses were originally aimed at housing 10 men, over 50, (wives allowed) - two women could make up the 10 - although that rule was discontinued in 1819.

However, Dafydd notes that the trustees are in the process of updating the former outdated rules!

No 2 - the word "Brown" can still be seen
No 2 - the word "Brown" can still be seen -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

The sturdily built stone row with tiled roofs are surrounded by fields. They were originally made up of 10 single room dwellings.

Small and basic, they had 'crog-loft' bedrooms accessed by a ladder, and residents got a patch of garden to grow food and were given an allowance.

The layout of the homes were later changed - they now form five separate residential units - but the trustees are hoping to create three larger, extended homes.

"The almshouses still retain many of their original 17 century features, we have to keep them, but it all adds to the cost of the project," said Dafydd.

A row of sheds, added in the 19th century for storage and for washrooms, will also be updated and a new sewage system put in.

Notable features include the large stone chimneys, stone mullions, door lintels, and lead glazed windows to be retained with modern double glazing additions.

One of the original leaded mullioned windows which has been damaged over the years
One of the original leaded mullioned windows which has been damaged over the years -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

Other features include a carved date stone of 1620 and the initials LR over the door of No 4.

Original features at the Penmynydd Almshouses
Original features at the Penmynydd Almshouses -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

According to Dafydd, the very last resident was believed to be Tom Brown, who lived at No 2. His door is marked with the word 'Brown.'

Dafydd said: "We asked locals for any memories of the people who had lived at the almshouses, and some interesting stories emerged.

The last resident of the Penmynydd Almshouses Tom Brown
The last resident of the Penmynydd Almshouses Tom Brown -Credit:Courtesy Trustees Penmynydd Almshouses

"One is about Tom Brown. He got told off for painting his door brown - the rules said the doors must be blue - but in a small protest he painted it blue with his name 'Brown' in brown."

No 2 - the word "Brown" can still be seen
No 2 - the word "Brown" can still be seen -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

Academic Sylvia Pinches who contributed a chapter on 'Anglesey almshouses' in the book: The British Almshouse: new perspectives on philanthropy ca 1400-1914, has helped the trustees in their research,.

She wrote: "Less is known of the background of Lewis Rogers of Penmynydd, until he was made free of the Company of Barber Surgeons in London on June 30, 1590.

"He had been apprenticed to Robert Balthrop, who was Serjeant Surgeon to King Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth, until his death in 1591 when he mentions Lewis Rogers in his will.

"Rogers was elected Warden of the Company in 1614, 1616 and 1617 and looked likely to have been Master had he not died."

He died in East Greenwich, in 1618.

She notes Rogers had promised £1000 to be employed by the direction of Owen Tudor Esquire of Penmynyth [Penmynydd] county Anglesey and Mr Hugh Williams of Esceivioge [Ysceifiog] erecting and building of an almshouse in the parish … "for the relief and maintenance of ten poor men, being of honest conversation, all above the age of 50".

Inside one of the almshouses
Inside one of the almshouses -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

When it became apparent that Rogers's estate could not fund the almshouses Lewis Owen stepped in. Sylvia wrote that Lewis Owen "was probably the grandson of OwenTudur Fychan of Penmynydd. Lewis Owen had taken the court route, and became Serjeant of the Larder to James I."

She described how he had promised Rogers on his deathbed that he would carry out his wishes, and would oversee the almshouse project.

He provided two acres of farmland at Penmynydd, and gave the profits of the rectory of Eglwys Rhos, Caernarfonshire, out of which £63 per annum was paid for the almshouses.

Lewis Owen died in 1624, and his will made provision from the rectory profits, to include payment of a preacher to provide 12 sermons at £7 a year and for relief of the almshouse poor.

From their inception, the almshouses imposed strict rules imposed on its inhabitants. One stipulation included the compulsory attendance at Penmynydd's church - at St Gredifael.

St Gredifael, Penmynydd
St Gredifael, Penmynydd -Credit:Google Map

Among the rules residents had to be over 50, not have children under 12, were not allowed to marry anyone under 50, could not to be absent for more than three days and nights with fines were imposed for periods away.

They were forbidden to beg , take in lodgers or have overnight visitors, swearing, drunkenness, and brawling or any other "notorious misdemeanour" were seriously frowned on with the threat of fines, removal of allowances or even expulsion.

Rules imposed on the almshouse residents
Rules imposed on the almshouse residents -Credit:Dale Spridgeon

There were many ups and downs in the fortunes of the almshouses, and the records are full of colourful descriptions of disagreements.

At times, the trustees report difficulty finding residents 'of suitable character' to fill vacancies, whilst residents complained of the poor state of repairs and stoppages in their money.

Following the rise in Non-Conformism - a row also ensued over the stipulation to attend the parish church.

By the 19th century, some of the alms people had started to attend a local chapel - not the parish church - against the rules - which resulted in 1893 in the expulsion of William Jones.

His cause was taken up by Ellis Jones Griffith the Liberal MP for the county and the rising radical MP Lloyd George brought the matter up in the Houses of Parliament, which resulted in an inquiry, and changed church attendance rules.

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