Four news presenters begin legal action against BBC

(Left to right) Annita McVeigh, Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone and Kasia Madera arriving at the London Central Employment Tribunal in Kingsway, central London, where newsreader Martine Croxall is bringing an employment tribunal against the BBC
(Left to right) Annita McVeigh, Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone and Kasia Madera arriving at the London Central Employment Tribunal in Kingsway, central London -Credit:PA

Four presenters have begun legal action against the BBC on grounds of sex and age discrimination and equal pay. Martine Croxall, Annita McVeigh, Karin Giannone and Kasia Madera are attending a two-day hearing for an employment tribunal against the corporation in central London.

They claim they lost their roles on the BBC News Channel following a “rigged” recruitment exercise. The BBC insists its application process was “rigorous and fair”. The corporation also denied the claims that the four women were paid less than an equivalent male peer.

In court documents, it said: “It is denied that [the BBC] has subjected [the presenters] to age or sex discrimination, harassment or victimisation, or has breached the sex equality clause.” The two-day preliminary hearing, which started on Wednesday, is laying out the groundwork for a full tribunal against the corporation.

Newsreader Martine Croxall arrived at the Central London Employment Tribunal for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday flanked by BBC presenting colleagues Karin Giannone, Kasia Madera and Annita McVeigh.

Ms Croxall, 55, is among a number of female journalists who failed to land a chief presenter role when the BBC merged its international and domestic news channels last year.

The four newsreaders have all been presenters on the BBC’s TV channels. In July 2022, the BBC announced proposals to merge its domestic and international news channels.

The presenters claim that ahead of the announcement of the merger, the BBC’s Channels’ manager Jess Brammar privately assured four other chief presenters - two men and two younger women - their jobs were safe.

“We were put through a pre-determined job application process in February 2023,” the presenters said in court documents. As a result, they said they were not recruited as chief presenters and were instead offered roles as correspondents, which was in effect a demotion and a reduction in pay.

The tribunal comes in the wake of the high-profile gender pay dispute between the BBC and Newswatch presenter Samira Ahmed.

In 2020 a London employment tribunal found that Ms Ahmed should have been paid the same as fellow presenter Jeremy Vine for their work on Newswatch and Points Of View respectively. The BBC had argued the pair were not doing similar work.

Broadcaster Sarah Montague also previously confirmed she had won a £400,000 settlement and an apology from the BBC over unequal treatment. In 2021 the BBC disclosed it had spent more than £1 million on legal fees fighting equal pay and race discrimination cases brought by staff.