Four signs of childhood disorder every parent should know

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These symptoms mean it's time to seek help -Credit:Getty Images

Does your child struggle to communicate with others and display unusual behaviour? If so, they could have Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Mark Blakey, a writer for Autism Parenting Magazine, has highlighted four ASD symptoms that mean you should seek extra help and support.

Problems with verbal communication

Your child may not know how to start and continue a conversation and may struggle to understand what you’re saying. They may speak with an unusual tone or rhythm, have delayed speech, or perhaps they talk very loud or very fast.

Mark said: "Children with ASD can suddenly struggle to say words they’ve often used before. Alternatively, they may not know how to use certain words or phrases in a sentence."

Problems with non-verbal communication

This involves things like eye contact, body language, touch, and social distance. You may observe times when your child struggles to read non-verbal cues. They may be poor at making eye contact or lacking in facial expression.

Kids are usually good at sharing their toys and using hand gestures to point to them. If your child has ASD, this will be difficult for them. They’ll also be less likely to engage in make-believe play.

Restrictive behaviour

Youngsters with Autism Spectrum Disorder may walk ‘robotically’ or clumsily, keeping their hands at their sides. They may seek to avoid bright lights and loud noises.

Mark said: "Your child may seem oblivious to pain or different temperatures, yet struggle with touch or hugs."

Kids with ASD may be fussy about their food or become stressed if their routine suddenly changes.

Repetitive behaviour

Classic signs of ASD include hand-flapping, spinning, or running on their toes. Alternatively, you may have seen your child rocking back and forth.

Many children become fixated on specific interests or activities, even if they’re more appropriate for younger or older people. They may say or do the same thing repeatedly or get stuck on a particular thought or idea.

Mark said: "If your child displays tell-tale signs of Autism, apply for an assessment. The sooner you do this, the quicker they’ll acquire the tools they need to help them."