Fox News Host Mark Levin Mocked For 'Stupidest Argument' Yet In Trump's Defense

Fox News host Mark Levin is arguing that the FBI was “grossly negligent” with its photo of documents the agency recovered during a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August.

Levin weighed in on the issue he saw with the photo, which was part of the Justice Department filing on Tuesday. The photo depicts — and covers information on — materials that include labels of “secret” and “top secret.”

Trump claimed on his social media platform Truth Social on Wednesday that the FBI “haphazardly” threw the documents on the floor and perhaps pretended the former president threw them on the ground.

But the picture of the documents placed on the floor “appears to be in keeping with standard” federal protocols for when officials document and collect materials in a search, The New York Times reported.

That information didn’t get to Levin, however, who tweeted that “spreading” documents identified as classified on the floor and taking a picture “is a grossly negligent use” of the documents.

Twitter users immediately slammed Levin for his take.

“It’s not that they were stolen so Mango Mussolini could show his guests secrets. No the real crime is the picture of them for evidence. I don’t for one second think these frauds believe their own bullshit but they gotta keep the grift going,” wrote Fred Wellman.

“.@marklevinshow, when I was in Congress ten yrs ago, it was cool how passionately you defended the Constitution. Now it’s pathetic how desperately you defend this criminal,” wrote former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.).

You can read more from Twitter users replying to Levin’s argument below.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
