Free photo ID for students available for General Election - how to get it

This is the first General Election where voter ID is required
-Credit: (Image: Carlos Jasso/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

UK voters now need photo ID during elections, since the passing of the Elections Act 2022. This means should you turn up to UK elections, including general elections, by-elections, recall petitions, local elections, or Police and Crime Commissioner elections empty-handed then you will be denied the vote.

It has been a very controversial move, with some arguing that it could disenfranchise large groups of people, including poorer communities. On its website, campaign group Liberty writes that 'the right to vote also includes the right to equal access to the ballot box, without discrimination in relation to race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other factor'.

It adds: “However, the new requirements might discriminate against younger people and ethnic minorities, who are less likely to have a valid form of photo ID.”

READ MORE: How students can vote in General Election if they're away or moving house

An elderly man exits a polling station in London
Make sure you bring your photo ID to vote -Credit:Tejas Sandhu/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Fortunately, students can get a free photo ID just in time for July 4.

In a tweet back in April, the National Union of Students (NUS) wrote: “FREE PHOTO ID FOR STUDENTS! This year photo ID presents a new barrier for young people and students to get their voices heard. So we've teamed up with @CitizenCard to offer FREE voter ID that can be used in next month's Local Elections.”

To access this service, simply use the code ‘NUS’ when buying a CitizenCard or use this link here.

There are 22 forms of acceptable ID which include a driving licence, passport and PASS card. You can view them here .

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