Friday forecast: Sunny with a high of 53 degrees expected

National Weather Service officials are expecting near record breaking temperatures to grace the Chicago area Friday, with a slight chance of rain in the evening hours.

A high of 53 degrees with wind gusts of 30 mph was expected. There is a 20 percent of rain after 10 p.m., officials said.

On Feb. 9, 1886, the recorded high in Chicago was 56 degrees. Feb. 9, 1925, the recorded high in Rockford was 54 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

Current afternoon conditions at O’Hare International Airport is a few clouds and breezy at 55 degrees. At Midway Airport conditions are mostly cloudy at 57 at degrees, officials reported.

Over the weekend, temperatures are expected to dip to a high of 39 degrees.