'Full Bellies' as Locals Make a Meal of Giant Croc Killed Due to Safety Risk

A crocodile that was lunging at children and adults and suspected to have eaten dogs has been captured, killed, and eaten in a remote community in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Images of the 3.63 meter (almost 12 foot) croc were released on June 12.

According to police, the crocodile moved into a river close to homes in Bulla following floods earlier in the year.

It “had been stalking and lunging out of the water at children and adults. The crocodile had also reportedly taken multiple community dogs,” police said.

“In consultation with Traditional Owners, Elders, community members and Parks and Wildlife, the crocodile was shot to ensure that it did not continue to pose a significant risk to the community,” police said.

“The animal was later transported into Bulla where the community prepared it for a feast in the traditional manner.”

Sgt Andrew McBride told ABC News Breakfast the animal was “cooked up into crocodile tail soup, he was on the barbecue, a few of the pieces were wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground”.

“It was a rather large traditional feast and there were a few full bellies,” he said. Credit: NTPFES via Storyful