Full list of police-recorded antisemitic and Islamophobic offences, by force

Here is a list of the number of antisemitic and Islamophobic hate crime offences recorded by police forces from October 7 to November 7 2023 inclusive, together with totals for the equivalent periods in 2022 and 2021.

The figures have been obtained by the PA news agency from Freedom of Information requests sent to all forces in the UK.

The data is a snapshot of what has currently been recorded by forces and may be subject to change.

All figures are for crimes recorded by police forces, not incidents.

Systems and methods of recording and collating hate crime are not consistent across all forces, so the data cannot be used to compare the volume of offences between different areas or provide an overall total for the whole of the UK.

Some forces provided notes and responses to the data and these are included where appropriate.

Not all forces are included in the list and reasons for omissions are given at the end.

– Avon & Somerset
Antisemitic: 2021 – 5, 2022 – 3, 2023 – 7
Islamophobic: 2021 – 8, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 5
The force said that completion of the “hate type” field on its records is not mandatory. Where a crime has taken place it will be recorded, but the hate crime indicator or type will not always be ticked, meaning some offences will have been recorded without an indication of the type of hate crime that has been committed.

– Bedfordshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 2
Islamophobic: 2021 – 8, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 3

– British Transport Police
Antisemitic: 2021 – 11, 2022 – 8, 2023 – 87
Islamophobic: 2021 – 8, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 22

– Cambridgeshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 6
Islamophobic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 5
The force said the figures are the number of police-recorded religious hate crimes where the perceived religion was Jewish or Muslim, based on the keyword assigned to the crime.

– Dorset
Antisemitic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 4
Islamophobic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 1

– Durham
Antisemitic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 0
Islamophobic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 1
The force said the figures refer to the number of recorded hate crimes where the victim’s religion has been known to be Judaism or Islam.

– Gloucestershire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 2
Islamophobic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 3
The force said the figures are for crimes where a hate tag has been applied, which have then been filtered to identify the hate strands “Religion – Jewish” and “Religion – Muslim”.

– Greater Manchester
Antisemitic: 2021 – 14, 2022 – 15, 2023 – 74
Islamophobic: 2021 – 42, 2022 – 43, 2023 – 34
The force said antisemitic offences are where the perceived targeted religion was recorded as Jewish. Islamophobic offences are where the perceived targeted religion was recorded as Muslim. More than one perceived religion can be recorded for an offence. Four crimes within the data had both Jewish and Muslim recorded as the perceived targeted religion.

– Gwent
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 5
Islamophobic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 3
The force said that to obtain the data a filter was applied to identify racial and religious strands and a manual trawl was conducted on the crime summaries.

– Hampshire & Isle of Wight
Antisemitic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 5, 2023 – 6
Islamophobic: 2021 – 5, 2022 – 3, 2023 – 4

– Hertfordshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 6, 2023 – 17
Islamophobic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 3
The force said the figures are for crimes that have a “Religion – Jewish” or “Religion – Muslim” (or both) flag attributed to the investigation record.

– Humberside
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 7
Islamophobic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 2

– Kent
Antisemitic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 7
Islamophobic: 2021 – 9, 2022 – 6, 2023 – 6
The force said the figures are for crime reports with either the “Religion – Jewish” or “Religion – Muslim” prejudice marker attached. Markers are optional and added at the discretion of the inputting officer.

– Lancashire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 4
Islamophobic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 3
The force said the figures had been compiled by searching for hate crimes marked as religious, followed by a manual review of each recorded crime to extract only those that were antisemitic and Islamophobic.

– Leicestershire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 2
Islamophobic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 17, 2023 – 6

– Merseyside
Antisemitic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 20
Islamophobic: 2021 – 9, 2022 – 6, 2023 – 10
The force said 18 of the 20 antisemitic offences in 2023 are conflict related and one of the 10 Islamophobic offences in 2023 is conflict related.

– Norfolk
Antisemitic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 2
Islamophobic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 0

– North Wales
Antisemitic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 3
Islamophobic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 3

– North Yorkshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 3
Islamophobic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 2
The force said the numbers are for offences “reported” to the police.

– Northamptonshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 1
Islamophobic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 1
The force said the figures show crimes with a racial or religious flag against them, where the search was for the words “Jewish” “Hebrew” “Judaistic”, “Hasidic”, “Islam” and “Muslim”. The search only returned exact matches and does not account for differences in terminology and/or spelling used. The force added that keyword searches are problematic and in no way provide accurate results or figures.

– Northumbria
Antisemitic: 2021 – 10, 2022 – 3, 2023 – 9
Islamophobic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 7, 2023 – 5
The force said the figures were for offences flagged as “Judaism” and “Islam” and that hate crimes are based on the perception of the victim.

– Nottinghamshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – under 5, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 7
Islamophobic: 2021 – under 5, 2022 – under 5, 2023 – 19
The force said all crimes have a religious and/or belief marker.

– South Wales
Antisemitic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 8
Islamophobic: 2021 – 7, 2022 – 6, 2023 – 9
The force said the figures are for occurrences with the qualifier of “Hate/prejudice – anti-Jewish” and “Hate/prejudice anti-Muslim”.

– Suffolk
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 1
Islamophobic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 0

– Surrey
Antisemitic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 7
Islamophobic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 8, 2023 – 10
The force noted that offences are flagged as hate crimes at the discretion of the police officer or staff member.

– Thames Valley
Antisemitic: 2021 – 4, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 21
Islamophobic: 2021 – 12, 2022 – 14, 2023 – 20

– Warwickshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 1, 2022 – 2, 2023 – 3
Islamophobic: No information held
The force said the figures were obtained by searching for all crimes with a marker of “Hate Motivated – Religion – Jewish” and “Hate Motivated – Religion – Muslim” during the stated periods.

– West Mercia
Antisemitic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 3
Islamophobic: 2021 – 3, 2022 – 4, 2023 – 4

– West Midlands
Antisemitic: 2021 – 8, 2022 – 1, 2023 – 22
Islamophobic: 2021 – 23, 2022 – 33, 2023 – 25
The force said the figures were obtained by searching for the hate strands “Religion – Judaism” and “Religion – Islam”.

– West Yorkshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 14, 2022 – 10, 2023 – 53
Islamophobic: 2021 – 38, 2022 – 29, 2023 – 49
The force said the figures represent the number of faith hate crimes recorded where Islam or Judaism was identified as the religion targeted. The force added: “We continue to work to better improve the investigation of hate crime and the outcomes for victims. The force has specialist hate crime co-ordinators who assist investigating officers in identifying perpetrators, providing after-care support for victims and working with communities to increase awareness of hate crime and reporting mechanisms. They also engage in joint working with partners such as local authorities, Victim Support and third-party Hate Incident Reporting Centres.”

– Wiltshire
Antisemitic: 2021 – 0, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 3
Islamophobic: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 0, 2023 – 5

Some 15 forces are not included in this list. Three forces said the precise data requested was not available; three forces said collection of the precise data requested would exceed the threshold for a Freedom of Information response to be supplied free of charge; four forces said there was a delay in supplying the data; and five forces had failed to respond to the request as of December 28 2023.