Game of Thrones: my love-hate relationship with The Broken Man


So this week’s episode was kind of strange - although I liked a lot of things, I was a bit bored while watching The Broken Man. Compared to the first half of the season, it definitely helped a lot, that they don’t want to include every character in every episode, so the ones involved get more screen time. Still, these last two episodes felt slow - anyway, let’s see who I loved and hated this week.

I loved…

  • The Hound is back! When the episode started, I had to double-check if I’m watching the right show, it was so surprising to see all that green and people being happy and calm, building things in perfect harmony. And then Sandor Clegane showed up and I got as excited as a 5-year-old when it comes to cake. I liked the way the writers filled in the gap about what’s happened to him.

  • Margaery is the true queen of scheming in King’s Landing. She might not be as sassy as Olenna and as nasty as Cersei but she is the best actress of the three. She almost managed to foul her own grandmother - who has absolute faith in her. Her sinful act is incredible - the only question is: does the High Sparrow believe her?

  • The way Olenna told Cersei off was so satisfying! I like Lady Tyrell for her honesty - she is not a nice person and she doesn’t try to pretend otherwise.

  • Lyanna Mormont was the best part of this episode. I loved her negotiating techniques and her proud announcment of the 62 men they can give to Jon’s and Sansa’s army.

  • Sansa and Ser Davos are getting stronger continuously, which is always great to see, but I have a feeling that Sansa did not make a good decision with that letter.

  • That bit with Arya was really strange. She acted so out of character that I started to question if she was playing the Faceless People. We shall see next week, but one thing is sure: her story is getting a lot more exciting now.


I hated…

  • Hate might be a strong word, but although I still like the dynamic between Jaime and Bronn, I was absolutely disinterested in their storyline. I feel like it should have been meaningful, but it didn’t really turn out that way.

  • My feelings towards Yara and Theon were similar - their scene felt more like a necessity than an actual tender moment.


As I said earlier, it’s quite strange that two episodes in a row felt a bit slow - particularly this late in the season. The only explanation I can think of is that these bits are all building up towards something huge; and we do have a lot of possible lines and opportunities for that. I just hope I’m not going to end up disappointed.