Gang sentenced to 33 years after 'frightening attack' where person was pepper sprayed

Clegg was given a seven and-a-half year sentence
-Credit: (Image: Essex Police)

A gang of violent thieves will spend a combined total of 33 years behind bars after carrying out a "frightening attack". On July 21 last year the gang - armed with knives and pepper spray - forced their way into a home in Loughton, east London.

They initially tried to get in through an open window, but when they were confronted by a resident they used pepper spray. A separate occupant confronted the gang upon hearing the commotion, but they were chased and attacked.

Witnesses saw the men leaving the area, running towards a dark grey Audi parked nearby and escaping. CCTV footage showed the group arriving and leaving in the same car.

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Hurst was sentenced to nine years
Hurst was sentenced to nine years -Credit:Essex Police

The car was pulled over just before 9am on the M6 motorway and a kitchen knife was found in the boot, and a lock knife underneath a rear passenger seat. Four men inside the vehicle - Mohammed Fathi, 22, Bailey Ruscoe, 21, Peter Clegg, 20, and Kai Hurst, also 20 - were arrested.

Hurst, Ruscoe, and Fathi matched that of the suspects caught on CCTV. Their fingerprints were also found at the scene.

Fathi, of Manchester, was charged with aggravated burglary, affray, aggravated burglary with intent and possessing a knife or bladed article in a public place. He was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Ruscoe, also of Manchester, was charged with aggravated burglary, affray, aggravated burglary with intent and possessing a knife or bladed article in a public place. He will spend seven and a half years behind bars.

Clegg, of Stockport, was charged with aggravated burglary, affray, aggravated burglary with intent, possessing a knife or bladed article in a public place and driving without insurance. He was also sentenced to seven and a half years.

Hurst, of Wilmslow, was charged with aggravated burglary, affray, aggravated burglary with intent and possessing a knife or bladed article in a public place. He was handed a nine-year sentence.

They all initially denied the charge but on Thursday, March 28, following a three-week trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, they were all found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary. They were sentenced at the same court on June 21.

"Frightening attack"

Investigating officer Detective Constable Alexander Cove, from Loughton CID, said: "Kai Hurst, Mohammed Fathi, Bailey Ruscoe and Peter Clegg all conspired together to break into a family home and attack the occupants inside.

"These four men had travelled to Loughton while armed, with the intent of getting into an address and using violence to do so. They carried out a frightening attack, which could have led to the victims being seriously injured.

"No-one should be left fearing for their safety in their own homes and I'm glad we've been able to bring this group to justice. I also want to thank our colleagues in West Midlands Police & Staffordshire Police, for their assistance and their role in putting them behind bars.”

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