Garbage fee increases back before committee; business roofs, HVAC on agenda

Apr. 8—DANVILLE — Proposed monthly solid waste collection fee increases the Danville City Council didn't act on last month are back before the city council's Public Works Committee Tuesday night.

Now aldermen will act on a multi-year fee schedule that would start May 1. The monthly fee for weekly household solid waste collection would increase $1.50 as had been proposed the first year and increase 50 cents or more each of the following years. Proposal: effective 5/1/2024 $25 per month; effective 5/1/2025 $25.50 per month; effective 5/1/2026 $26.01 per month; effective 5/1/2027 $26.53 per month; and effective 5/1/2028 $27.06 per month.

The committee meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, at city hall, 17 W. Main St., Danville.

The committee last month recommended approving the proposed garbage fee increases of $1.50 a month for the first year, and effective in 2025, the monthly fee would increase by 2 percent, 50 cents and then more, for each of the next five years.

The committee last month put a five-year sunset clause on the increased fees, to not have it for infinity, for city officials to check on how the solid waste department was faring then.

Fees haven't been raised for eight years, and city officials say the city is barely keeping up with equipment and related costs.

Danville Public Works Director Carl Carpenter said in addition to the fee increases, other ordinance changes will benefit city inspectors and the city. Language changes would allow the city to fine residential structure owners, not just tenants, regarding Toters and garbage issues.

Cleanup collection fees also would increase.

For minor cleanup collections (less than or equal to 5' x 10' x 3'): First collection in calendar year: no fee; Second collection in same calendar year, the $20 per collection fee would increase to $100 for the second collection and to $200 for the third and subsequent collections in the same calendar year, starting May 1, 2024.

For major cleanup collections (between 5' x 10' x 3' (150 cu ft) and 7' x12' x 4' (336 cu ft) it would remain at $300 per collection.

Any collection exceeding 7' x 12' x 4' (336 cu ft): it would be $300 plus fees per collection (regular charge plus associated collection charges such as, but not limited to labor, dump and equipment costs).

In other business, the committee will consider approving:

* A Downtown Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Incentive Project grant application and amending the Downtown TIF District 2023-2024 budget for a $23,618 grant to Shawn Davis doing business as Fred & Ma, LLC for a new roof and HVAC system at the former Lainey's Ice Cream property at 57 N. Vermilion St. The building will now house Healthy Prep foods business. The city resolution also states that City of Danville employee Ashton Greer is a manager and registered agent of Fred & Ma LLC but has provided documentation showing no financial ownership in the company. The total amount to be invested in the Downtown TIF District is projected to be $47,236 with the project. Fred & Ma LLC is requesting a Downtown TIF RIP Grant for a 50% reimbursement. Funds for the budget amendment, $25,000, would come from the Downtown TIF reserves.

* A Western Gateway TIF RIP grant and amending the 2024-2024 Western Gateway TIF District budget for This is It Furniture for a new roof and HVAC system at 103 E. Main St. According to the grant application, the total amount to be invested in the Western Gateway TIF District is projected to be $114,215. This is It Furniture is requesting a grant for a 50% reimbursement to not exceed $50,000. Funds for the budget amendment shall be from the Western Gateway TIF Reserves.

* Authorizing a 2023-2024 Community Reinvestment Budget amendment of $50,000 for additional dumping fee costs due to demolition of dilapidated structures. According to city officials, dumping fees have exceeded the budgeted amount due to many completed demolitions in the current fiscal year. Funds would come from Community Reinvestment reserves.

* Amending the funding source for the Williams Street improvement from Bowman Avenue to State Street. The city approved a joint funding agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the project with the city intending to utilize motor fuel tax funds for the city portion of the project costs. According to city officials, due to unresolved MFT reconciliation and reporting issues, IDOT has informed the city that it is temporarily unable to expend such funds. The city's project funding will come from infrastructure development through a transfer of $320,000 from infrastructure development reserves.

* Purchasing real estate for community improvement at: 501 W. Madison St. for $10,000 from Kevin Prast/KKR Partners; 505 N. Grant St. for $40,000 (of which $5,000 is for relocation assistance) from Mikhayla Mikel; and 27 N. Jefferson St. for $45,000 from Charles H. Wolfe.

* Amending the contract for Lincoln Park tennis court improvements. The city previously approved a $485,510 contract with Petry-Kuhne Company. According to city officials, due to the desire to repair building damage and add gutters between the buildings, the scope of work is requested to be modified by field change orders to allow for successful completion of the project. The additional costs are $45,260. Funding for the now $530,770 project would come from: $500,000 from American Rescue Plan Act funding and $30,770.00 from maintenance of buildings.

* A $116,074 contract with Patten Services for Danville Tennis Center exterior upgrades of new overhead garage doors and exterior entry doors, which have broken down due to continued usage and now require replacement, and the center's exterior has surpassed life expectancy for its roof and exterior paint, according to city officials.

* A budget amendment to 2023-2024 parks and police budgets for the Friendly Town perimeter fence replacement. According to the city resolution, "due to the storm on June 29, 2023, perimeter fencing was damaged which was then reported to the city's insurance. Reimbursement was granted and paid from the city's insurance to replace the damaged perimeter fencing to Friendly Town." The contract is $54,177 with SK Exteriors.