Make your garden flourish with three-ingredient fertiliser recipe using home ingredients

Close up of unrecognizable gardener hands Trimming Hedge In Garden
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

It's that time of year when those blessed with green spaces are keen to see their gardens spring into full bloom.

For those lucky enough to have a garden, now is the prime moment to get it looking tip-top, be it for throwing garden parties or just enjoying some tranquil reading time surrounded by nature.

Wondering how to help your plants and blooms thrive without splashing too much cash? TikTok user @oldgarden.official has let slip a clever hack for "how to make a fertiliser for green plants" using everyday items you'll likely have at home.

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They recommend starting by taking egg shells and "crush[ing] them in a container" before stirring in 50ml of white vinegar with the crushed egg shells. To finish off this easy three-ingredient concoction, pour in 500ml of water and "let it stand for three days".

Once the wait is over, "filter out the water" and pour the final mixture into a spray bottle. The TikToker promises "you will find green plants growing luxuriantly" with leaves that are "shiny green".

The gardening community on TikTok responded positively, with heaps of users expressing gratitude for the "good tip". Some even shared their own plant-care secrets, like one who posted: "I put crushed egg shells right into the soil with coffee grinds. Works amazing."

In other gardening news, an expert has recently shed light on which cherished garden plants should be pruned around now.

Gardening guru Ben McInerney, who founded Go Tree Quotes, suggests that roses, shrubs, and perennials ought to be pruned in June to encourage the best growth.

Offering pruning advice, Ben stated that now is the ideal time to prune your roses, promising it will "guarantee new growth and beautiful blooms" by the summer. On maintaining shrubs, he advised: "All you have to do is cut off any dead or damaged branches, as well as any overgrown or crossing branches."

Additionally, for those wanting more blooms on their perennials, they should cut the stems just above a healthy set of leaves.