Gardeners' World 2023: next episode, presenters and everything we know

 Monty Don wearing a navy jumper and drinking a cup of tea in the garden for Gardeners' World 2023. .
Monty Don wearing a navy jumper and drinking a cup of tea in the garden for Gardeners' World 2023. .

Gardener's World 2023 is here to bring anyone from budding gardeners to seasoned horticulturalists everything they need to make the most out of their garden, no matter the size or location.

For years Gardener's World has been the flagship gardening show on the BBC, with a team of green-fingered experts sharing the best tips, hints and advice from the gardening world so we can get our gardens looking their best, no matter what time of year it is.

But when is the next episode of Gardener's World 2023 on, who are the presenters and which plants will be featured? Here is everything you need to know about Gardeners' World 2023...

Monty Don planting flowers on Gardeners' World
Monty Don planting flowers on Gardeners' World

Gardeners' World 2023: when is the next episode?

The next episode of Gardeners' World 2023 airs on Friday, December 29, 2023, at 8pm on BBC Two. This new series of Gardeners' World is a collection of episodes that make up the show's Winter Specials.

In the fourth episode of the Gardeners' World Winter Specials Frances Tophill and the team celebrate the joy that the gardening year brings throughout the seasons.

Frances is at Wildside Garden in Devon, inspired to make the winter gardens sparkle and do jobs to get them ready for next spring. Nick Bailey visits a garden in Bedfordshire that blends soft grasses with textural trees and crisp topiary to create a space full of winter interest, and Advolly Richmond reveals the fascinating history of greenhouses along with the enormous challenges involved in engineering those early designs.

You can catch up on past episodes of Gardeners' World 2023 on BBC iPlayer.

Gardeners' World 2023: What happened in previous episodes?

Gardeners' World Winter Specials - episode 3

In the third episode of the Gardeners' World Winter Specials Monty Don and the team not only celebrated the joy of the gardening year but also Christmas!

Monty had tips on how to clean garden tools before putting them away for winter, Rachel de Thame marveled at some magical topiary at a garden in Lincolnshire, Frances Tophill reveled in the beauty and versatility of willow in Carmarthenshire and Carol Klein embraced the festive spirit with some home-harvested decorations.

Gardeners' World Winter Specials - episode 2

In the second episode of the Gardeners' World Winter Specials Adam Frost visited baking legend Mary Berry at home to hear about another of her great passions in life, gardening. Mary shared her love of cut flowers and some tips on freezing herbs, while Adam showed her how to sow the tiniest of snapdragon seeds with a cocktail stick - something Mary has an abundance of!

Gardeners' World Winter Specials - episode 1

In the first episode of the Gardeners' World Winter Special series, Monty had advice on how to pot up one of the stars of the festive season - amaryllis, while Carol Klein surrounded herself with colour and scent in Kent as she championed one of winter’s most spectacular shrubs – witch hazel.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 32

In episode 32 we saw Monty continue with his revamp of the Cottage Garden by planting bare-root roses and preparing for winter. He also sowed broad beans and planted tulips in pots for a colorful display in spring.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 31

Episode 31 had a Halloween theme as Monty took stock of his pumpkins and squashes, planted up alpines and showed how to divide a large fern to create new plants. Adam Frost and Advolly Richmond visited Hever Castle in Kent to learn more about the fascinating history and grand garden design, created by a man wealthy enough to build whatever he wanted.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 30

In episode 30 Monty replanted his bearded iris in the Dry Garden, cleared the greenhouse ready for winter salad crops and harvested quince. As part of his big Cottage Garden revamp, he transplanted a shrub to the orchard and showed how to save money by collecting and storing seed from plants around the garden.

Arit Anderson explored some of the arguments, both for and against artificial grass. And Toby Buckland discovered a rich and tranquil Japanese-themed garden deep in the beautiful Welsh countryside.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 29

Episode 29 saw Frances Tophill in her new garden, assessing the tomatoes in her upcycled greenhouse. She also had work to do on her allotment, with perennial vegetables to rejig, before heading to a specialist nursery to buy plants for her revamped pond.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 28

In episode 28 it was apple harvest time and Monty shared tips on what to do with windfalls before planting a container to give a colourful boost for winter insects.

Also, Adam Frost visited a designer who has overcome extreme weather conditions and difficult terrain to create the garden of her dreams and Nick Bailey met two landscape designers pushing plants to their limits to see how they cope in extreme conditions.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 27

Episode 27 saw three sisters in Dorset discover how their fallen-down greenhouse could be an opportunity to transform part of their garden, while Monty planted garlic and onions, added camassias to his Bog Garden and planted bulbs in pots for spring. He also transplanted foxgloves and tidied up his strawberry bed for winter.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 26

Episode 26 was a special program coming from York Gate in Leeds, as Adam Frost, Rachel de Thame and Frances Tophill celebrated a garden for all seasons and tackled some seasonal jobs for September.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 25

In episode 25 Monty considered a revamp of his Cottage Garden, dividing perennials to get new plants for free and planting bulbs in pots for spring. He also harvested his sweetcorn and gave advice on looking after flowering house plants over winter.

Also, Adam Frost discovered an inspiring project in Manchester that is breathing new, green life into the city’s industrial past and Frances Tophill visited a nursery in Kent that is brimming with colorful salvias.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 24

In episode 24 Monty Don planted bulbs in pots, including hyacinths and daffodils. He shared tips and advice on what to do when apples and pears have been affected by diseases such as canker and brown rot, and he also gave a timely guide on how to collect and save seeds.

Elsewhere, Toby Buckland discovered an eco-home in Rye which had been cleverly designed to incorporate a unique garden with wildlife in mind.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 23

Episode 23 saw Adam Frost take stock of his garden and plan ahead for some late-season interest under the supervision of Ash the cat, while Frances Tophill visited a garden in Kent where the plants provide a non-stop buffet for insects and Nick Bailey traveled to Cornwall to revel in the glory of hardy palms.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 22

In episode 22 Monty showed us how to take cuttings from herbs and prunes summer raspberries. He also planted daylilies and gives topiary Nigel a timely trim. Adam traveled to Whitstable on the Kent coast to see how gardeners cope with the wild, wet and windy weather, and there was another look at York Gate in Leeds, where Frances discovered unusual and diverse plant combinations created by the head gardener.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 21

Episode 21 saw Monty plant for pollinators in the Wildlife Garden and trim his box topiary cones. He also took succulent leaf cuttings and continued the summer veg harvest. Meanwhile, Carol Klein visited stunning Italian-influenced gardens in Gloucestershire.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 20 

Episode twenty saw Frances Tophill in her very first garden for a summer catch-up and an update on her progress since moving in. She shared a brand new structure designed especially for her compact plot, and there was trouble afoot at her allotment when she visited for a tidy-up.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 19

Episode nineteen was a celebration of people who are growing their own, from vegetables to flowers, across the UK. At Longmeadow, Monty shared tips and advice on how to get the most out of the bargain plants available at this time of year. He also looked at how some of the tropical plants have coped with 2023's weather.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 18

Episode eighteen saw Monty harvest his spuds and sow seeds for autumn veg. He also showed how to get plants for free by taking cuttings, while Adam Frost met a couple who spent decades creating a garden on the exposed chalk hills of the Yorkshire Wolds. Sue Kent was busy refreshing her garden to extend the colour and interest into late summer and autumn.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 17

Episode seventeen came from the biggest horticultural event in the north — the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park. Joe Swift and Frances Tophill revealed the latest in garden design, as well as brought plant perfection from some of the best nurseries and growers in the country. Joe showed us how to turn the smallest of spaces into a green haven, and Frances looked at the best plants to cater for nocturnal pollinators.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 16 

Episode sixteen was a special programme because Gardeners’ World came from the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. Arit Anderson, Toby Buckland and Adam Frost revealed the latest in floral fashions and shared highlights of the show gardens and floral marquee. This year’s RHS Hampton Court iconic horticultural hero was Gardeners' World's own Carol Klein. Over the past three months, the programme has been following Carol on her journey to create a very special garden, and here celebrated all of Carol’s efforts and revealed the end result.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 15 

In episode 15 Monty gave a masterclass on rambling, climbing and shrub roses. He also planted tender annuals in the jewel garden, and with hot, dry summer days ahead, shared tips for water saving and harvesting. With the Hampton Court Garden Festival also just around the corner, Carol Klein was at home immersing herself in some of the plants she's growing for her highly ambitious show garden.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 14 

With summertime at its peak, episode fourteen saw Adam plan to extend the season with plants for evening scent and share the results of his wild meadow turf experiment. In North Yorkshire, Nick Bailey discovered the range of floral beauty of Cornus kousa, the dogwood tree and Toby Buckland visited a back garden near Milton Keynes with seven ponds.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 13 

Episode 13 was extra special as the team went to Birmingham for one of the highlights of the horticultural year — the annual Gardeners’ World Live event. Monty Don, Arit Anderson, Adam Frost, Sue Kent, Carol Klein, Joe Swift, Rachel de Thame and Frances Tophill all brought us the best the gardening world has to offer.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 12 

Episode twelve saw Monty make some changes to his pots in the Jewel Garden, harvest gooseberries and plant squash. Adam Frost checked out a wonderful arts and crafts garden in Leeds and Rekha Mistry revealed her brand-new garden in the Peak District and began to make plans for this challenging plot.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 11 

In episode eleven Monty created colourful planting schemes with trailing plants. He also planted out cabbages in the vegetable garden and shareed a clever tip for dealing with your spent tulips. Toby Buckland reveled in the superb displays of roses at Mount Ephraim Gardens in Kent. And there was a return visit to the Linn Botanic Gardens in Argyll and Bute, where owner Matthew Young got some sage advice about the precious and rare trees in his collection.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode 10

Episode ten revealed it’s a good time to get tender plants in the ground now the risk of frost has passed. Monty was busy planting tropical gingers and sweetcorn and direct sowing beans. Meanwhile, Joe Swift visited a stunning walled garden in Denbighshire, Rekha Mistry shared the secrets of her success in growing aubergines on her London allotment and there was a re-visit to farmer turned nurseryman Barry Proctor as he made final preparations for his first RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode nine

Episode nine was a special program from the first big flower show of the season – the RHS Malvern Spring Festival. Rachel de Thame and Nick Bailey explored show gardens packed full of ideas and discovered the newest varieties of plants and flowers that are hot off the potting bench, and there were herb specialists from Gloucestershire who believe that edibles are just as important as ornamentals in the garden.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode eight

To mark the Coronation weekend, episode 8 celebrated the people who give up their time to help others. Adam visited a walled garden in Somerset to meet a group of volunteers, Monty created two different planting schemes for pots for shady spaces and Rachel reveled in the superb seasonal displays of azaleas in Shropshire.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode seven

In episode 7 Monty was busy planting umbellifers and making some changes to the dry garden. He also sowed peas and pots his dahlias. Meanwhile, Carol revealed exciting plans for an ambitious show garden she’s designing for the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode six

In episode six Frances Tophill revealed some exciting news. After years of dreaming, she finally has her very own garden and can’t wait to share her plans and get to grips with bringing this compact space to life. Elsewhere, Toby Buckland met a man who has planted his plot with a wonderful array of fruit and nuts, and there was a gardener in Gloucestershire who is potty about the 500 pot plants she has designed specially to produce a floral firework display.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode five

In episode five Monty prepared for late spring and summer, sowing poppies and planting cornflowers for colour and interest in the paradise garden. He also harvested rhubarb and shared tips on moving shrubs. Toby Buckland reveled in some fabulous spring planting on a visit to the magnificent landscaped gardens of Melbourne Hall in Derbyshire, while Rachel de Thame met a passionate dahlia grower who was once a florist working at the White House for the Obamas.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode four

In episode four Monty added some interest to the spring garden. He also sowed peas and shallots, had some thrifty tips for petunias, and planted lilies in pots. Carol Klein visited Mothecombe Gardens in Devon, which has been designed specifically for pollinators, with swathes of nectar-rich daisies and lavender, while Arit Anderson joined a group of young carers at a community garden in West Sussex, where they go for respite, friendship and fun.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode three

With spring gaining momentum, episode three saw Adam Frost get to work on his veg plot and plant his first lot of potatoes, while Rekha Mistry demonstrated how to grow the perfect onion from seed.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode two

Episode two of the new series saw Monty get plenty of plants for free when he demonstrated how to make the most of herbaceous perennials. He also cut back pelargoniums that have overwintered in the greenhouse and made a start on sowing vegetables.

Gardeners' World 2023 — episode one

The new series for 2023 saw Monty and the team return with a celebration of spring.  As well as getting on with some essential rose pruning, Monty planted clematis and rocket, cut back grasses and made a start on sowing annuals for colour this summer. Carol Klein visited Colesbourne Gardens in Gloucestershire to revel in their vibrant displays of spring colour and there was also a skateboarding gardener who had created a haven for wildlife — and herself — in her forest garden in Sheffield.

Before Gardeners' World 2023 started, the BBC aired Gardeners' World Compilations 2023 consisting of four episodes that took a look back over past projects and shared gardening tips. Here's what happened in each episode: 

Episode four

In episode four Monty Don showed us how almost anything that holds soil and drains water can be used to grow seasonal veg, salad crops and herbs, while Frances Tophill visited some hardy gardeners on the Isle of Man whose beachfront plots are at the constant mercy of the sea. Arit Anderson met a woman on a mission to ‘green up’ neglected urban spaces. Kate Bradbury shared her tips for attracting wildlife into our gardens, and Toby Buckland helped Sue Kent tackle some tricky jobs in the garden.

Episode three

In episode three Monty Don grew loofahs... a plant he’s never tried before. Also,  Joe Swift visited a garden where the contemporary and traditional meet and Advolly Richmond discovered a stunning Japanese-inspired garden.

Episode two

In episode two, Monty Don planted tender annuals for high summer color and shared his tips for growing cherries and pruning blackcurrants. Also, Arit Anderson discovered a paradise garden in Cambridge.

Episode one

In episode one, the team celebrated the joy that gardens and gardening can bring by looking back at some of their seasonal highlights.

Gardeners' World 2023: who are the presenters?

Monty Don

Probably the most familiar presenter currently on Gardeners' World is Monty Don, who has been at the helm of the show since 2003. Monty is a British horticulturist, broadcaster and writer. He replaced Alan Titchmarsh as the lead presenter of Gardeners' World, only leaving the show between 2008 and 2011 due to illness.

Monty Don posing with his dogs on Gardeners' World
Monty Don posing with his dogs on Gardeners' World

Advolly Richmond

Advolly is a garden writer, historian, and a regular presenter on Gardeners' World.

Advolly Richmond on Gardeners' World
Advolly Richmond on Gardeners' World

Joe Swift

Joe is a  garden designer, journalist and television presenter. Viewers also might know him from being a co-presenter at The Chelsea Flower Show.

AJ Odudu and Joe Swift surrounded by indoor plants on Gardeners' World
AJ Odudu and Joe Swift surrounded by indoor plants on Gardeners' World

Carol Klein

Carol is a renowned gardening expert, who also works as a newspaper columnist.

Carol Klein standing by an arch of roses in Gardeners' World
Carol Klein standing by an arch of roses in Gardeners' World

Toby Buckland

Toby is a TV presenter and author, and also took on the role of lead presenter of Gardeners' World between 2008 and 2010.

Toby Buckland with his olive trees for Gardeners' World
Toby Buckland with his olive trees for Gardeners' World

Frances Tophill

Frances is a British horticulturist and has also wrtten five books on the topic of gardening.

Frances Tophill at Yeo Valley Garden, Somerset for Gardeners' World
Frances Tophill at Yeo Valley Garden, Somerset for Gardeners' World

Rachel de Thame

Rachel is a British gardener and TV presenter, and in addition to presenting on Gardeners' World she also co-presents the BBC's annual coverage of the Chelsea Flower Show and the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

Rachel De Thame Old Bladbean Stud Gardens for Gardeners' World
Rachel De Thame Old Bladbean Stud Gardens for Gardeners' World

Adam Frost

Adam is a British garden designer, he started his career working for North Devon Parks Department and then he moved to London to work as a landscaper.

Adam Frost Dip on the Hill for Gardeners' World
Adam Frost Dip on the Hill for Gardeners' World

Arit Anderson

Arit is a garden designer, writer and television presenter. As well as presenting Gardeners' World, she is also known for fronting BBC One gardening show, Garden Rescue. 

Arit Anderson for Gardeners' World
Arit Anderson for Gardeners' World

Nick Bailey and Rekha Mistry are also going to be joining the team for the series.

Gardeners' World 2023: is there a trailer?

Sadly not, but if one is released by the BBC then we will add it to this guide.