Gary Lineker opens up about his sex drive and why he likes to flirt
Most 58-year-olds don’t get questioned about their sex lives, but then Gary Lineker isn’t most 58-year-olds.
No wonder then, that the former England football star has decided to candidly share a little info on his private life.
“Despite crappy rumours I used to have to live with yonks ago, that thankfully have died down, that I was some kind of sexual predator, I’m unbelievably fussy.”
He explained, “I’m not massively into sex. I quite like flirting a little bit. Now that’s all I do. But then after that…This is really being honest: it’s like hard work.”
He made the revelations in an interview in today’s The Times Magazine and puts his openness down to the fact he’s getting older. “I don’t care. You kind of get to know who you are. The good bits and bad bits,” he explained.
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The Match of Day presenter hasn’t been linked with anyone romantically since he split from ex-wife Danielle Bux. But while the two aren’t together they are still very much in each other’s lives. “She has become my best mate. We still text and call three, four times or more a day.”
So why did the pair split? The papers at the time insinuated she wanted more children and he didn’t. Again Lineker is surprisingly candid. “I was getting – I am getting – old. And then her body clock started ticking, and she had the urge and that’s fine. But ultimately she didn’t want to make me do something that wasn’t part of the plan. Obviously, I would have done, but she said, ‘It’s not fair on you.’ Then I said, “Well, I’d feel terrible if I stop you doing it …’ This wasn’t one conversation, this was over months ... even a year.”
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But that doesn’t mean he’s sworn off romance altogether, but he’s just not looking for a relationship. “I mean, I can’t say never, because the thunderbolt moment might happen. But I’m actually quite happy where I am, and I’m quite calm.”
“I’ve hardly had any dates... I’m straight right from the start. I say, ‘I don’t want a relationship; a nice dinner’s fine.”
In fact, he’s loving the single life. “I’ve spent my whole adult life married and it’s been great. I had two great marriages. I get on fine with both my ex-wives.”
“I still have the important female aspect of my life with Danielle. Even though she’s in LA, even though, you know, she has a new partner. We just chat, and then obviously there’s no reason ever to have an argument. So it’s nice. I kind of get the best of both worlds.”