General Election 2024: What Bristol Central voters think about the Labour leader and his plans for the NHS

The newly formed Bristol Central ward is set to be one of the more interesting battleground seats in the upcoming General Election. Following boundary changes Bristol Central is the name for the slightly smaller and more concentrated former Bristol West constituency - has two front-runners - Labour's Thangam Debbonaire and the Green Party candidate Carla Denyer.

On the face of it, Bristol Central should be a safe Labour seat. Back in 2019, Thangam Debbonaire won it for Labour with a whopping 62 per cent of the vote, and had a majority of 28,219. She also won the seat back in 2017 and 2015.

But for many reasons, the Green Party have Bristol Central as their number one target seat at the July 4 General Election, and the party locally is increasingly confident they might be able to pull off a remarkable result and have their second MP. A recent YouGov poll even said she was polling at 50 per cent.

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On the day the Labour Party nationally shared their manifesto, we were in Central Bristol asking people whether they thought a Labour government would reduce NHS waiting times, improve the economy and what they thought about Keir Starmer. A student expressed a desire for Sir Keir to be "more ambitious" and admitted he didn't really trust him, feeling that many of his original pledges hadn't made their way into the Labour manifesto.

With median waiting times for the NHS currently at 14.5 weeks and with 42 per cent of patients waiting over 18 weeks for treatment, the NHS is likely to be an issue which will affect the way many choose to vote.

One interviewee expressed scepticism in relation to whether NHS waiting times could be brought down, stating: "With the work the Tories have done undermining the NHS, it is probably a very difficult task." She also highlighted how she found it "slightly worrying" that she had no strong opinions about Keir Starmer. Another Bristolian described him as "slightly robotic."

However, there were some people who were more positive about the Labour leader and the potential of a Labour Government. One person said they thought Sir Keir would "be a good leader for our country". Similarly, someone who identified themselves as a "lifelong Labour voter" believed a Labour government would lead to more investment in green energy and job creation, praising the party's leader as a "very level-headed, sensible, good bloke".

Meanwhile another person said that thing "can only improve," and that they liked Sir Keir despite what he felt was a "wooden" appearance at times.

However an NHS worker in Bristol pointed out that the manifesto lacked promises to increase the NHS budget. When asked about the potential economic impact of a Labour government, he said: "It seems that's [the economy] what they're focused on." He added: "If you're talking about GDP, then maybe [a Labour government would improve the economy] but if you're talking about people's welfare, quality of life, the economy of community, then no."

Another respondent expressed doubt over Labour's economic plans, saying, "No, I don't think they will [improve the economy]; they've got the same amount of plans for the economy as the Tories do." And described Sir Keir as "a good talker but just the same as every other politician."