General Election 2024: Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme candidates on their priorities

High Street, Epworth, pictured, is part of the Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme constituency
-Credit: (Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)

Candidates for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme have shared their priorities if elected at the general election.

In the run-up to polling day, Scunthorpe Live has asked set questions for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme candidates. It is a new constituency, which straddles South Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.

On the northern Lincolnshire side, all three Axholme wards lie within the constituency, meaning the candidates below are on the ballot paper for residents of Epworth, Crowle and Haxey.

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See below the responses to the three questions for all candidates who were asked 'what makes you the best candidate?' and 'what will be your priorities for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, if elected?' along with a reader-prompted question.

Conservative Party - Nick Fletcher

Conservative candidate Nick Fletcher provided a statement on why he is seeking to be re-elected to Parliament. He represented previously the seat of Don Valley before the boundary changes.

"I am seeking re-election to Parliament so that I can continue my campaign to get the [Doncaster Sheffield] Airport reopened, secure funding for a new hospital and protect the Isle of Axholme from unnecessary development.

"The country is full and we must have very tight controls on immigration. I have spoken out on this in Parliament and been called so many names. A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. I’ve been called names for saying that too.

Nick Fletcher, pictured, is the Conservative Party candidate for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme
Nick Fletcher, pictured, is the Conservative Party candidate for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme -Credit:Image supplied

"I believe in strong representation for my constituents. I have worked tirelessly over the last four years. Knocking on doors. Petitions online and in Parliament. Endless meetings, Speaking Up Doncaster. Bringing new money (£102.5m), businesses and jobs to the area.

"Making our lives the best they can be. Making our area the best they can be. That’s what drives me and why I am asking for your vote on 4th July."

Reader-prompted question: What is your stance on changes to PIP and if elected, how will you represent the rights of disabled people?

"It is a mark of a society how it treats its vulnerable. I believe that although more can be done, this country has a system of support in place of which we can be proud. Many countries are nowhere near as supportive. Any system has to have checks and balances to ensure it is fair and also is not abused. I am supportive of the Government’s approach which has improved the living standards of so many over the years. Sadly with increased immigration, abuse has also increased and this needs to be continually challenged to make it fair for the taxpayer and society as a whole."

Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme Green Party candidate, Paul Garrett
Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme Green Party candidate, Paul Garrett. -Credit:Image supplied

Green Party - Paul Garrett

For the first two questions on his background and priorities, Paul Garrett highlighted the North Lincolnshire Green Party candidate page, available here. It details he joined the party in the wake of COVID, in despair at the state of politics. He emphasises climate and social justice, and has a career in cyber security.

Reader-prompted question: What is your stance on changes to PIP and if elected, how will you represent the rights of disabled people?

"The Green Party is strongly committed to valuing, empowering and supporting people with disabilities. I am pleased to show support for the range of policies set out in the Disabled People’s Manifesto and I very much value the work of local organisations that work tirelessly to narrow the inequality gap.

"I would extend present UK legislation to ensure that people with disabilities are protected against discrimination and support bringing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons into UK law. The 16 million disabled people in the UK are grossly under-represented and often marginalised where their voices need to be heard most. Tackling the root causes of this inequality needs a strategic approach and can only happen by bringing in partners such as Disability Rights UK.

"The Green Party supports immediate increases in the rate of disability benefits and would make social care free. We also support an increase in Universal Credit of £40 a week, in contrast to the last government which removed the previous £20 a week uplift.

"I hope that the General Election will bring about much needed change and want to be part of a new government that values the lives of people with disabilities and commits to removing barriers wherever they exist. As a Green MP I will push the other parties to make Real Change."

Mike Longfellow, pictured, is the Climate Party candidate in Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme
Mike Longfellow, pictured, is the Climate Party candidate in Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme -Credit:Climate Party

Climate Party - Mike Longfellow

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"I live in our constituency area and have worked in Doncaster and North Lincolnshire for many years, recently selling a successful and profitable business that has depots in Westwoodside, Sandtoft and Grimsby, I know the constituency area well.

"My main skills in developing, growing and maintaining the business were based on building relationships with customers based on trust, solving any problems promptly and making sound commercial decisions. I will bring all these attributes to serve the Doncaster East and The Isle of Axholme constituents.

"The Climate Party is a new political movement whose sole aim is to lead the UK to economic revival and increased prosperity through a commitment to Net Zero 2030 in line with the science while restoring Britain's nature and protecting our waterways from pollution.

"My frustration with the major parties for allowing the continuing degradation of our natural environment and inaction on global warming when solutions are available led me to the Climate Party."

What will be your priorities for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, if elected?

"The Climate Party's first priority will be to take advantage of the greatest wealth opportunity of this century by leading the UK to the front of the renewables industry. Ninety-three per cent of countries have committed to net zero with the UK previously leading this commitment.

"Sadly the main parties have now deferred or scaled back their ambition for net zero solely for party politics or party infighting and we are falling behind renewable energy developments in China, the USA and EU. The Climate Party priority is the only party with a credible industrial strategy to powerhouse Britain to the forefront of a clean Industrial Revolution.

"Local priorities: Explore setting up a renewables industry training Centre in Doncaster East; electrify all public transport with subsidised fares, particularly in rural areas; promote affordable housing in all areas of the constituency; rework the schools budget formula in bias of rural areas; canvass for increased funding for road repairs in our constituency."

Reader-prompted question: What is your stance on changes to PIP and if elected, how will you represent the rights of disabled people?

"I do not have sufficient knowledge, at this time, of changes to PIP and how it affects persons with disability so cannot answer this question. Please be assured that if elected I would investigate any question or problem brought to my attention by constituents and strive to answer and support them."

Reform UK's candidate for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, Irwen Martin.
Reform UK's candidate for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, Irwen Martin. -Credit:Reform UK / DI Fisher

Reform UK - Irwen Martin

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"I believe my background makes me the best choice simply because I know what it feels like not to be listened to and for politicians past and present to tell us how and what to think all the time assuming they know best! And I will stand up and shout for what is right!"

What will be your priorities for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, if elected?

"To represent the PEOPLE that elected me and their interests - not mine or what others think they are!"

Reader-prompted question: What is your stance on changes to PIP and if elected, how will you represent the rights of disabled people?

"To be fair to me I have not explored all the changes that can or would be made to the benefit systems but I can say that I believe that we should always protect those less fortunate than ourselves and the people that take on the responsibility of caring for others for no pay."

Lee Pitcher, Labour's candidate for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme
Lee Pitcher, Labour's candidate for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme -Credit:Image supplied

Labour Party - Lee Pitcher

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"I’m relatively new to politics. I pull on my life and work experience to bring something new in representing our area. I was homeless for a period as a child, started my career at the bottom and worked my way up to being an environment director in an engineering company. My family are proud that I’ve done well, and I want everyone to have the opportunity to succeed.

"I’ve worked at the heart of this community for decades; a school governor, volunteer with community groups and charities and recently as a local councillor. I know how amazing our area is, and its town’s unique identities and traditions that make it such a special place to call home. I got married here, made my home here, seen my children grow and go to school in the constituency. I will be your voice in parliament championing this area with positivity and passion."

What will be your priorities for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme, if elected?

"Our local NHS. Our health service has been brought to its knees, people are suffering, we cannot go on like this, I won’t ignore this problem. I’ll fight for the investment and support our NHS needs to be fit for the future.

"Safe Streets. Crime and antisocial behaviour are running rampant. In our towns and across the countryside we need more police, genuine punishment and a strategy to tackle rural crime. People should not have to live in fear.

"Frequent and reliable buses. I will bring back a decent bus service, to re-connect our towns and villages, so people can access to services and opportunities.

"Education: I’ll champion SEND and mental health provision in schools, and look for opportunities for new skills leading to great jobs.

"Our Airport. There’s one plan to re-open the airport, Labour’s plan. With council, mayors and MP’s working together we will get it over the line."

Reader-prompted question: What is your stance on changes to PIP and if elected, how will you represent the rights of disabled people?

"I’ve been with my wife for thirty years, since I was 18 years old. Throughout that time, she has gradually lost her sight, now has a guide cane and likely to have a guide dog one day. We’ve lived experience of the challenges a disabled person and their support network face daily. I’ve championed opportunity for disability for years for this reason; as a volunteer with a local charity I have been part of a team to organise and host annual sports days and Christmas parties for people living disabilities.

"I have family members who rely on PIP, and have spoken to lots of people on the doorstep who are worried about the suggested changes. I know that this money is a lifeline that allows many people with disabilities to maintain their independence. I’ll ensure this is brought to the forefront of the government’s attention."

Liberal Democrat - Nicola Turner

Scunthorpe Live has been unable to hear back from the Lib Dem candidate in time. She is from Colne Valley and has worked in the NHS. The Liberal Democrat manifesto is available to view here.