General Election 2024: Hull East candidates share their main aims if elected

East Park, Hull - Hull East candidates are 'trying' to persuade local residents to back them, but who will achieve that 'goal' best?
-Credit: (Image: Sofie Jackson)

There are just a few days to go before polling stations across the UK open their doors to voters for the general election.

Ahead of polling day, Hull Live has asked set questions of all candidates standing in Hull's three constituencies. Hull East has the fewest candidates, with just five standing.

Despite extensive boundary changes elsewhere, the constituency is the same as last time, with the addition of North Carr Ward. Hull East covers the likes of East Park, Southcoates, and Marfleet.

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Green Party - Julia Brown

Julia Brown, pictured, is the Green Party's candidate in Hull East
Julia Brown, pictured, is the Green Party's candidate in Hull East -Credit:Image supplied by Hull Greens

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"I have lived in Hull all my life and worked in local schools. As a volunteer and activist I have been lucky enough to get involved in lots of local projects, including City of Culture, sports, art and grassroots campaigns such as saving local venues from closure. This also means I hear what working people, parents, and older people have to say.

"So many people in Hull are sick of this government and its failures and they are looking for real hope in the alternatives. You will also notice I am the only woman on the ballot paper for Hull East. We need diversity in our representation."

What will be your priorities for Hull East, if elected?

"We must invest in our NHS and public services. Our schools are underfunded and there is a shortage of SEND places in Hull; this must be our top priority. Hull East is so well placed for investment in sustainable energy, with the Siemens factory leading the way. Green energy can provide our area with quality jobs and investment, as well as contributing to clean air.

"The Green Party will also support those affected by the cost of living crisis with a £15 minimum wage for everyone. We also need to improve our public transport; I speak to a lot of people who would love to travel by bus but the services just don’t exist."

Given that the NHS/Health topped our readers’ poll of their top issues for the election, what are the NHS/Health policies you will support, if elected?

"Elected Greens would push for investment primary care. Every day we hear about people all over Hull who can’t see a doctor. GPs are key to prevention and early diagnosis - this is so important when it comes to cancer in particular. GPs need more time with their patients, which could partly be achieved by removing the administrative burden placed on them.

"If elected, I would join other Greens by pushing for an immediate increase of £1.5 billion in public health budgets, and restoring the health budgets to the 2015/16 levels. We all came out to support our NHS during lockdown, now we need to turn that support into real action. I am proud to represent the only party that will come out and say we should keep our NHS public, not sold off or privatised in pieces!"

Liberal Democrat - Bob Morgan

Bob Morgan, pictured, is the Liberal Democrat candidate in Hull East
Bob Morgan, pictured, is the Liberal Democrat candidate in Hull East -Credit:Hull Liberal Democrats

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"I have real hands-on experience helping those within the community, through my work as a Police Inspector and Community Engagement Officer, and through my volunteer work.

"I have seen the effects of this out of touch Conservative government, that’s why I am passionate about achieving a fairer deal for those in need. I have engaged with local councillors and the NHS on suicide prevention work, and I’ve worked to tackle crime.

"I understand the importance of supporting our public services. From social care and our NHS to teachers in schools, I’m a candidate who will stand up for more investment into these areas for the benefit of people in the city."

What will be your priorities for Hull East, if elected?

"My top priorities are to fight for more support to help with the cost of living crisis, get a fair deal for our local NHS and tackle crime. Far too many people are struggling to make ends meet. I am determined to get local people more support to help with the cost of living and get a fair deal for everyone in our area.

"Our local health services are under immense pressure. Local people deserve to feel confident that they will receive the treatment they need. We are campaigning for 8,000 more GPs, a plan to fix our A&E and a plan for mental health.

"People deserve to feel safe in their homes and their community. The Lib Dems in Hull are leading the way on tackling crime. They created a Crime Prevention Fund to tackle crime - after years of the Hull Labour Party voting against new funding. A vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for a fairer and safer city."

Given that the NHS/Health has topped a Hull Live readers’ poll of their top issues for the election, what are the NHS/Health policies you will support, if elected?

"Getting our NHS the fair deal it deserves is a top priority for me, the Liberal Democrats and so many local people across East Hull. The Conservatives have run our local health services into the ground, putting people, buildings and beds under pressure. Our NHS staff are overworked and underpaid, too many people cannot get a GP appointment, and people are spending hours on end waiting in our A&E or urgent treatment centres.

"Our NHS needs a real plan. That is why I am supporting and campaigning on the Liberal Democrats plan for 8,000 more GPs, a plan to put mental health on the same footing as physical health, and a plan to tackle the crisis in our A&E."

Labour Party - Karl Turner

Hull East Labour Party candidate Karl Turner
Hull East Labour Party candidate Karl Turner -Credit:Karl Turner / Labour Party

With reference to your background, what makes you the best candidate?

"As someone who is born and bred in East Hull, I have a deep understanding of our community and its needs. I'm proud to call this area my home, where I live with my family and where my daughter goes to school, and I have always been committed to standing up for our area.

"Throughout my time as the MP for East Hull, my constituency office has been a hub of activity, with regular advice surgeries where I meet with residents and listen to their concerns and give advice and support. I'm also proud to work closely with local community groups, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their needs are met. As a lawyer, I can navigate issues effectively.

"As someone who is deeply rooted in the community, I have a unique ability to understand the challenges facing East Hull and the passion to drive positive change and I believe that my local roots, combined with my experience and commitment, make me the best candidate to represent East Hull's interests in Parliament. Politically only Labour has the interest of working people at its heart."

What will be your priorities for Hull East, if elected?

"If re-elected, I am committed to continuing to be a strong voice for East Hull, fighting to secure the best possible outcomes for our community.

"I will work to ensure that we deliver a strong economy, so that we can keep taxes, inflation, mortgages and rents as low as possible and see Great British Energy be switched on, to cut annual energy bills for good and secure our energy supply.

"Every resident deserves to feel safe in their own home. That’s why I am proud to support Labour plan to appoint a named officer to work with the local community alongside 13,000 extra police officers on the streets, delivering a safer neighbourhood for all. After 14 years of neglect from the Conservative Government, it's time for a change - East Hull will be at the heart of everything a Labour Government does, and I am committed to delivering real results for our area that can be felt to make a real difference to people’s lives."

Given that the NHS/Health has topped a Hull Live readers’ poll of their top issues for the election, what are the NHS/Health policies you will support, if elected?

"My immediate priority is to tackle the alarming waiting lists that have been allowed to build up and support Labour's vision for a transformed NHS that puts patients first. Labour delivered record satisfaction levels in the NHS last time around and will do again.

"This means delivering a Neighbourhood Health Service with integrated care closer to home, train thousands more GPs and ensure face-to-face appointments, so that patients can receive the personalised care they deserve.

"The crisis in NHS dentistry is equally concerning, which is why I'm proud to be supporting Labour’s rescue plan that will provide 700,000 more urgent dental appointments and recruit new dentists to areas like East Hull. In the long term, we'll focus on prevention and retention of NHS dentists.

"As the party that created the NHS. We will get it back off it’s face and back on its feet and deliver the high-quality care that the people need and deserve."

Holderness Road, within the Hull East constituency
Holderness Road, within the Hull East constituency -Credit:Sofie Jackson

Reform UK - Neil Hunter

Attempts to contact Neil Hunter in time were unsuccessful. Reform UK's manifesto, or "Our Contract With You" as it is known by the party, pledges a freeze on non-essential migration, with a hike in National Insurance for most employers hiring foreign workers.

The party also wants to scrap net zero and the London to Birmingham HS2 leg. Its manifesto can be viewed here.

Conservative Party - Kieran Persand

Attempts to contact and receive a response in time from Kieran Persand were unsuccessful. He is a councillor at Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and previously studied at the University of York. The Conservatives, if in power after the election, would bring in a form of national service.

The party has also pledged 30 hours' free childcare a week and the 'triple lock plus' to stop state pensions being taxed. The Conservative manifesto can be viewed here.