General Election: Meet the candidates in Castle Point vying for your vote

Candidates - Hadleigh Castle <i>(Image: Ellen Hume / PA)</i>
Candidates - Hadleigh Castle (Image: Ellen Hume / PA)

PARLIAMENTARY candidates across Castle Point have answered a series of questions from the Echo in a bid to win over voters in the lead-up to the General Election.

By asking the questions, we hope you will not only get to know the policies and promises they stand to fight on if elected, but also gain an insight into the person who wants to represent you.

Green Party: Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman is standing as a Green Party candidate in this week’s General Election.
As the Echo went to press the parliamentary candidate had not responded to our requests and, therefore, we could not include a candidate  profile and picture in the full round-up.

Conservative: Rebecca Harris

Conservative - Rebecca Harris (Image: Rebecca Harris)

Why elect me?

I have been proud to serve as your MP since 2010. I have fought to defend the green belt, secured millions of pounds to better protect homes and businesses from flooding, and campaigned for more investment for services. I have worked hard to champion our community and support our many groups and charities.

Most of all, I am proud of my record of privately helping tens of thousands of residents with individual issues affecting their lives.

Over the last 14 years I hope I have proved I mean it when I say I want to continue to work hard and fight for your priorities.

I entered politics to make a difference. I have brought political parties together in Parliament to strengthen our laws on issues like domestic abuse and animal rights. As an old school Conservative, I am proud to have delivered Brexit and introducing the pension triple lock.

My achievements

Taking the Domestic Abuse Act through Parliament which increased the definition to include financial and emotional abuse. Locally, the parts I played in securing the £20m town fund for Canvey, keeping the Deanes School open and defending the green belt.

Funniest moment

Boris Johnson asking what my rescue dog was called. I said: “He answers to ‘Milo’ so I’m stuck with the name!” Found out its Boris’s son’s name!

My interests

We have brilliant restaurants but I probably give McDonald’s the most business! Independents and charity shops like 2nd-Time-Around. My hairdresser for two decades is Coronado SA on Casino Parade.

My inspiration

My father. He encouraged me to believe I could become an MP and that girls could achieve anything. Sadly he didn’t live to see me elected.

My vision

My vision is to ensure Castle Point remains a safe, thriving, and beautiful place to live. I’m committed to vigorously protecting our green belt, preserving our cherished natural spaces from inappropriate development. I will continue to secure further investment for essential services and infrastructure, enhancing our schools, healthcare, and transport, making daily life better for everyone.

I want to support more new businesses to create more local jobs.

Labour: Mark Maguire

Labour - Mark Maguire (Image: Mark Maguire)

Why elect me?

I am the Labour party candidate and Labour is the party of change – a change from 14 years of Tory government that I believe has destroyed our public services and hollowed out our local government. Labour will bring stability, and tackle the major issues of housing, skills shortages and will restore confidence in the NHS.

Our education plans cover the spectrum from early years to higher education, and we will add 6,500 teachers into our schools.

All of our plans are fully costed; we’re not going to have an economic meltdown.
I’m a family-man, I’m part of our community and I’m an experienced campaigner. If elected I will always be visible, accountable and available to all.

I have young children, and I am acutely aware of how the cost of living, the NHS crisis and lack of investment in education issue affects family life.

My achievements

My biggest political achievement was to become the Labour chair of Blackwood Town Council. On a personal level, aside from building my wonderful family, I am proud to have achieved membership on Mensa in 2019.

Funniest moment

Being a contestant on Couples Come Dine with Me with my wife in 2014 was fun but quite embarrassing.

My interests

I love spending time with my children, playing music and watching sport – mainly football. I also like taking part in quizzes.

My inspiration

My grandmother was very political, I joined the Labour Party with her as my inspiration. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 60s, and is a survivor story – she is still alive, aged 96!

My vision

I see Castle Point constituency as a diverse community, Hadleigh, Thundersley, South Benfleet and Canvey all have particular assets, community spirits and needs, but also much in common – all have choked roads and GP shortages. My vision is for these communities to fulfil their potential in harmony under the umbrella of Castle Point.

The new local plan should include exciting concepts for our towns with more infrastructure.

Reform UK: Keiron McGill

Reform - Keiron McGill (Image: Keiron McGill)

Why elect me?

I grew up in nearby Hockley and am a total political outsider. Have always been a full-time worker and taken 2nd jobs in Sainsbury’s Rayleigh Weir and Dominos in Hadleigh to make ends meet. I never had any desire to become a politician.

In fact I spent the period of restrictions delivering pizzas in Rayleigh – and was dismayed at the choice of who to vote for. Felt politically homeless with my faith in anybody in parliament totally shot. And then I found Reform UK.

A group that finally reflected my own beliefs. It offered hope. A road to recovery. A common-sense approach.

In my heart I want to make a positive difference. I want everyone to be better off, and live amazing fulfilling lives!

I want hard-working families to be rewarded.

So our policy of £20k starting tax will put £1,500 per year in everyone’s pocket.

My achievements

I don't have any political achievements but that will soon change. In life I am proud of running for Essex seven times for cross-country, completing four marathons. I’m also proud of setting up my events business from nothing.

Funniest moment

I’d love to say I don’t have any! But the truth is that I was recently sitting in a client meeting, looked down and realised that I had come out with odd shoes on!

My interests

My passion is supporting the Chelmsford Chieftains ice hockey team. What a sport that is! I can often be found at The Haystack or Castle Point golf course!

My inspiration

Nigel Mansell. Came from nothing, mortgaged his house to secure 5 races in Formula 3, entered Formula 1, went so close to winning the title several times before finally doing it at the age of 39! A true story of perseverance!

My vision

I would love to see Thundersley’s green space protected and enhanced, I would love to see Hadleigh’s high street be regenerated as a real centre for shopping, in Benfleet I would love to see Richmond Park become an all-purpose park similar to Maldon’s Promenade Park!

And for Canvey I want to see a 3rd road, that is vital, and I am very passionate about restoring Canvey Lake to a safe, clean lake for families and wildlife.

Lib Dems: James Willis

Lib Dem - James Willis (Image: James Willis)

Why elect me?

I am asking for your vote because I believe the Liberal Democrats have the best range of well thought out policies, these are urgently needed by both Castle Point and the country.

As your Lib Dem candidate I aim to protect Castle Point. We will support the NHS, taking pressure off local hospital accident and emergency departments by providing more GPs in the community, guaranteeing that people can get a local GP appointment within one week or one day if an emergency.

We also want more carers, we will give them better pay and conditions. Having more carers will allow patients who need home support to leave hospital quicker, freeing up bed spaces in our overcrowded hospital wards.

The Lib Dems would create a water regulator with real teeth to ensure the Water Companies do their duty and clean up our rivers and beaches.

My achievements

I believe my work in promoting an environmentally friendly tram link as part of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing is a great step forward.

Funniest moment

Posing with a giant ice cream cone on Canvey seafront!

My interests

I am a keen football fan, suffering high anxiety during every England game in the Euros.

My inspiration

Sir David Attenborough who has dedicated his long life to the natural world and in recent times has drawn our attention to the climate crisis that affects us all.

My vision

We need to concentrate on community values and our environment. I want the seemingly endless pressure from government for housing development paused while we assess what infrastructure is needed. Can our constituency really absorb more development and retain its identity?

In my opinion it cannot. The roads cannot cope and pollution gets worse all the time. Basic requirements like filling in potholes are neglected because central government will not fund the work needed.