George Santos’ Latest Money-Making Stunt Has Critics Saying... No, No, No

All former Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) wants for Christmas is... $500 in exchange for a personalized video message on the Cameo platform, which he’ll deliver while dressed as Santa Santos Claus.

The expelled congressman unveiled his latest money-making venture in a video shared on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. “Hey y’all, it’s Santos Claus,” he said, decked out in a Father Christmas hat and beard.

Santos, who is no stranger to an embellished résumé, boasted about being “the OG, original sassiest person in the world.”

“Actually, the OG Claus,” he continued. “I don’t care what you say, I don’t know about no Santa.”

“This is all about Santos Claus,” Santos added. “So if you’re looking for a sassy, awesome Christmas message from yours truly, make sure you don’t miss out. Limited time only. Bye.”

Santos was removed from Congress earlier this month after an ethics investigation found he’d used campaign funds on Botox, content on the OnlyFans platform and more. He also faces 23 criminal charges.

After Santos was elected to Congress last year, it emerged that he’d fabricated multiple parts of his life story — including one about being a star volleyball player.

Since leaving his lawmaker role, Santos claims to have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars by hawking videos on Cameo.

Late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) and former New York Assistant Attorney General Tristan Snell have all paid Santos for clips that they’ve then used to troll others, or Santos himself.

Critics on X had some holiday jeer for the ex-congressman:
