Girlguiding members from Cornwall come together for all day party

Girlguiding members from Cornwall come together for all day party <i>(Image: Girlguiding)</i>
Girlguiding members from Cornwall come together for all day party (Image: Girlguiding)

Rainbows, brownies, guides, rangers and volunteers from across Cornwall enjoyed an all day party to celebrate everything Girlguiding.

Over 1,200 members gathered at Stithians Showground on Saturday, June 22.

They engaged with a number of activities such as yoga, archery, den building, and a surprise starlit silent disco, certainly making it a day to remember.

Fun spread all the way to the Isles of Scilly with girls from St Marys, St Martins and Bryher experiencing a fantastic wildlife boat trip to spot puffins, followed by lunch and activities at St Agnes.

(Image: Girlguiding)

Catherine from the 10th Falmouth Guides said: "It was very inclusive as there was something for everyone to do.

"It was really fun!"

Similarly, Chloe from the 1st Falmouth Rangers had an eye-opening experience, reflecting: "I’d never been to a big county event before and I didn’t realise how many of us there were in Girlguiding in Cornwall!"

(Image: Girlguiding)

Sarah Powlesland, Kevewi event coordinator, was thrilled with the outcome.

She said: "Wow, what an event!

"To see and hear the buzz was amazing.

"So many girls and leaders enjoying themselves, trying something new, celebrating guiding, making new friends and catching up with old friends."

Ms Powlesland acknowledged the challenges brought about by Covid, but expressed positivity for the new normal and reinstated the relevance of guiding in today's world.

(Image: Girlguiding)

Sue Harris, Cornwall county commissioner, recognised the importance of the event, saying: "I am extremely grateful to our dedicated volunteers who managed to find extra time and incredible enthusiasm to create Kevewi, our county-wide fun day on Saturday.

"We showcased the best of Girlguiding in Cornwall with over 1,200 members all having an amazing time.

"The buzz was tangible and to see all the smiling faces reinforces why Girlguiding is an important part of a girl's journey and relevant in the 2020s."

Girlguiding, the UK’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls, offers a space for girls to be heard and build confidence, inspiring them to discover their best selves and make positive impacts in their community.

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