Girls5eva’s Sara Bareilles On The Challenge Of The Show’s Quick-Fire Dialogue

 Sara Bareilles in Girls5eva Season 3.
Sara Bareilles in Girls5eva Season 3.

Over the past few years, it's become quite common for cancelled TV shows to get a new life by changing networks. The raucous musical comedy series Girls5eva is on that list, previously being available with a Peacock subscription before being saved by Netflix for Season 3. Girls5eva's cast list is led by pop star Sara Bareilles, who spoke to CinemaBlend about the challenge of the show's quick-fire dialogue.

Since its inception, Girls5eva has been jam packed full of jokes, which the actors deliver at a dizzying pace. As you can see in the video above, I had the privilege of speaking with the show's four leading ladies ahead of Season 3's release, where I asked Bareilles about what it's like jumping back into the super quick dialogue after breaks between seasons. She told me:

It is snappy. It is a snappy script with high jokes per minute, very dense. I feel like there’s always a little bit of a re-entry phase, but the rhythms are… Also because I’m such a fan of these kinds of shows, Kimmy Schmidt and 30 Rock. The pace and the style of comedy I love, and feels familiar. So I feel like we always dive right in pretty quickly. But with anything there’s always a little bit of a re-entry, a little bit of an adjustment

Sounds about right. While jumping back into character after time off is part of the gig for most TV stars, some scripts require more than others. And the cast of Girls5eva understandably take a little time before jumping back into the quick paced and pop culture-infused dialogue of their series.

Season 3 of Girls5eva takes plenty of jabs at Netflix, despite (or perhaps because of) the streaming service saving the comedy after its cancellation by Peacock. Now the three seasons are streaming with a Netflix subscription, and I'm curious to see if this means more eyes will be on it.

In our conversation, Bareilles name drops a few notbale shows with the same tone and pace of Girls5eva. Specifically The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and 30 Rock, which have the same irreverence and penchant for bonkers running jokes. Indeed, Girls5eva does feel like it belongs in the same world as those titles.

Sara Bareilles in Girls5eva Season 3
Sara Bareilles in Girls5eva Season 3

Season 3 of Girlseva includes new musical numbers, one of which made showrunner Meredith Scardino cry in public the first time she heard it. And it should be fascinating to see how it performs in its new streaming home. It's not streaming on the home page like some other titles, but that doesn't mean a ton of eyes aren't on it. I personally love the series, and have been spreading that message to my friends/family.

It's currently unclear if Girls5eva will return for a fourth season, but the first three are streaming now on Netflix. While we wait for information, check the TV premiere list.