Glasgow penguins back petition to save skatepark under M8 facing closure

Glasgow's penguins have backed a petition to save the Kingston skate park
-Credit: (Image: X)

Glasgow's beloved penguins have thrown their support behind a petition to save a skatepark located under the M8 from closure.

The clay figures, which usually call Kelvin Walkway home, were pictured on their boards enjoying the park. Some were also holding signs which read "let us skate", "penguins love Kingston skatepark" and "save our skate park."

It comes as Amey, which maintains the road for Transport Scotland, says the area may be fenced off due to reports of drug use, vandalism and fire-raising.

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A petition has been set up in an effort to ensure the skatepark stays open. So far more than 3,500 people have backed the petition to save the space which brings 'joy to the community.'

The Penguins in the Wall wrote on X: "This is our favourite skatepark in Glasgow.

"It's built on an otherwise derelict bit of land under the M8 motorway in Kingston. Unfortunately, it's being threatened with closure, so this morning we held a protest!"

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The petition reads: "This DIY skatepark has transformed a previously derelict area into a positive space that brings joy to our local community. Transport Scotland, however, plans to lock it up.

"This decision is a blow to the community. The skatepark has catalysed a transformation within our neighbourhood. Once an eyesore, the space is now a hub of activity. It promotes exercise, creativity, and togetherness among our younger generation, fostering a sense of community and the reduction of anti-social behaviour.

"The benefits of such recreational spaces should not be understated. Studies consistently show that local amenities like skateparks can contribute positively to the mental and physical wellbeing of users, most especially the youth (Public Health England, 2016).

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"Let's send a strong message to Transport Scotland that Kingston DIY Skatepark is more than just a collection of ramps and rails - it is, indeed, an integral part of our community. We seek your support to save this invaluable space and prevent it from being locked up. Please sign this petition to show your support for the preservation of Glasgow's Kingston DIY Skatepark. Your signature is not just a signature, but a stand for community resilience and youth empowerment."

However, Amey argue the site has suffered from "significant anti-social behaviour issues".

A spokesperson said: "These behaviours include vandalism, unsolicited graffiti, fire-raising, drug use, and the littering of drug paraphernalia and littering.

"Amey has a duty of care to ensure these areas are kept clean, tidy, and safe for use for all road users, and while our patrols do all they can to monitor these areas they cannot provide an effective overall solution."