Glastonbury Festival heat stroke alert as experts name key warning signs to look out for

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Glastonbury 2024 has officially begun, with hundreds of thousands of eager festivalgoers expected to descend on Worthy Farm for a weekend of unforgettable live music.

Temperatures at the festival reached 27C on Wednesday, according to the Met Office, with the mercury set to cool today to around 20C for the remainder of the event.

But experts have urged people to remember one vital part of the festival experience - and that's staying safe in the sun, and trying to avoid catching heat stroke.

This condition can come on very quickly without much warning, but there are still some key warning signs that everybody should know. And according to the British Red Cross, certain groups of people tend to be more at risk - making it even more vital to be able to spot the signs early and seek treatment.

William Spencer, climate and first aid product manager at the charity, said: "We hope everyone enjoys the warm weather at Glastonbury this weekend and has a wonderful time at the festival, but it’s important to stay safe and recognise the risks of too much sun.

"High temperatures make it harder for the body to cool itself and we all need to take care to manage the health risks of heat. There are several steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe.

"We would advise people to make sure they know how to recognise the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If you’re feeling the heat in the middle of the day, make sure you find somewhere with shade and drink plenty of water.

"The effects from being in the sun for too long can take you by surprise. Please keep an eye out for someone who may be struggling. Help them get water and somewhere cool – and medical help if needed.”

Early symptoms of heat health risks

  • Dehydration – you may be dizzy, confused, have darker urine and a headache. Drink plenty of water.

  • Heat exhaustion - similar symptoms to dehydration, plus nausea, cramps, fast breathing, and sweaty clammy skin. Get the person somewhere cool, give them a drink, and sports/isotonic drinks can help. Even if they recover, seek medical advice. If they get worse call 999.

  • Heat stroke - similar symptoms to heat exhaustion but the skin is hot and dry. The person’s body temperature can reach over 40C, and they may become unresponsive. Call 999. Pour cold water over clothes or a sheet to help reduce their temperature.

  • Sunburn – get out of the sun, cool the area with cold water or cool bath for around 20 minutes. Sip cold water.

How to cope with hot weather

According to the British Red Cross, most people - including those more at risk such as pregnant people and those with health conditions - don't see themselves as vulnerable to heatwaves.

But it turns out the majority of people in the UK (60 percent) have said they've experienced at least one adverse effect due to the heat.

To protect yourself, it's recommended that you drink plenty of fluids, wear sunscreen and take regular breaks inside or in the shade to cool down. Wearing light-coloured and loose clothes can also really help, as well as limiting any physical activities to the cooler parts of the day, such as mornings and evenings.

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