Gogglebox family have hilarious Disney reaction to Tiger King

Photo credit: Channel 4
Photo credit: Channel 4

From Digital Spy

It seems as if everyone has been talking about Tiger King and now the dramatic, highly meme-able Netflix docuseries has made its way onto Channel 4's Gogglebox.

Everyone's favourite TV show about TV shows introduced the families to Joe Exotic and his collection of wild animals, and the very bizarre series sparked some shocked reactions.

One of the big moments that they watched featured one of Exotic's staff having their arm ripped off by a tiger after reaching into its cage and there was quite a bit of confusion over Exotic's unusual reaction.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

After he'd assessed the situation, Joe marched into the gift shop to tell the visitors about what had just happened, before retreating to his office and telling the camera crew about his fear that he would "never financially recover from this".

The Siddiqui brothers, Baasit and Umar, pointed out that it wasn't exactly what you might expect from the show's title, saying: "It's very different to The Lion King, isn't it?"

If they'd tuned in hoping for some cute singing big cat cubs, they were definitely left disappointed.

Later on, the cast watched Joe Exotic and two of his romantic partners, all of them wearing matching pink suits and hats, get married in an unusual three-way ceremony.

Friends Jenny Newby and Lee Riley were enjoying the moment and Jenny had a real giggle at a "three-ring circus" gag:

Although a 'three-ring circus' usually refers to a situation of chaos or confusion, it was also very appropriate for this scene due to the three wedding rings being exchanged and Jenny was delighted to say "I get that one!"

And Tom Malone Sr summed the whole show up absolutely perfectly, simply stating: "This is weird."

Viewers were in hysterics at the Gogglebox cast's shocked reactions to Tiger King:

Due to the current social distancing measures in place, the crew have rigged fixed cameras in the homes of the cast members, preventing any physical contact between the cast and crew.

Gogglebox airs Friday nights on Channel 4 at 9pm.

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