Goofy-eyed husky rejected by breeder finds love

A sweet Siberian husky with remarkable eyes, who was described by a breeder as "weird," has rocketed to internet fame and found a new home.

Jubilee, 4, was dropped off at the Husky House shelter in Matawan, New Jersey, two years ago after her breeder complained he couldn't sell such an odd-looking dog. In an effort to seduce a future owner, the shelter wrote a heartbreaking appeal on Facebook.

"Huskies are majestic looking dogs and I don't know why I don't look like them," Jubilee "wrote" last week (with the help of her humans). "I wish I was beautiful so someone would want me to be their dog."

The message went viral and Jubilee soon found a new home:

The shelter even arranged a bit of a make-over for Jubilee, thanks to a nearby grooming center that volunteered its services.

Thousands of people responded to the Facebook posts about Jubilee and said things like: "She's right. She's not pretty - she's beautiful!"

Jubilee's condition, which created her unusual look, is congenital, but isn't a health problem, according to the shelter.

"We want to thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of support, comments, love and outreach for our Jubilee," the shelter posted on Facebook. "She is very special."

- This article first appeared on HuffPost