I got a vasectomy at 20 — my ‘super fertile’ wife and I live with my parents and we don’t have room for one more

Tristan Denholm and his wife Krishna Ruz Gallegos decided that Denholm should get a vasectomy.
Tristan Denholm and his wife Krishna Ruz Gallegos decided that Denholm should get a vasectomy.

This guy is making the cut.

A 21-year-old Missouri man is being applauded for getting a vasectomy at 20 to make sure that his “super fertile” wife doesn’t get pregnant — especially since they both live in his parents’ basement and already have one child together, Kennedy News reported.

Tristan Denholm said he was just 18 when he had his first child with wife Krishna Run Gallegos in 2021.

Gallegos had just started taking birth control pills, but the pair didn’t wait a week for the meds to kick in fully before having unprotected sex. The couple soon welcomed a son, Kayden Denholm — and they’re fine if he’s their last.

“Most people at 18 aren’t having kids and I want to make sure I can provide for him as best as I can,” Denholm explained.

“Right now, he [my son] is my main priority. I got a vasectomy as a way to put everything I have into this child to give him the best life I can,” he added.

A vasectomy is a form of male birth control that stops the supply of sperm to a man’s semen. A doctor carries this out by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Vasectomies can potentially be reversed down the line, but it’s considered a form of permanent birth control.

The freshly-snipped father said after having the procedure in September 2023, he doesn’t have any regrets. He said it’s a great way to avoid unplanned pregnancies.

“When I had my son there were definitely thoughts about getting a vasectomy but I think the decision became a lot more serious near the end of 2023,” he said.

“[Another reason for getting a vasectomy was that] my wife has two sisters and one of them has four kids and none of the pregnancies were planned,” he continued.

“Even her mom had a kid when she was really young and before she was 20 so with all this in mind we [seem] to be at a greater risk for getting pregnant than other people would.”

Living in his parents’ basement is yet another reason he doesn’t want to grow his family.

Both Denholm and his wife agreed that having more kids isn’t a wise financial decision.

“When I told my wife about wanting to get a vasectomy, we had multiple conversations about this and came to an agreement about it,” he said.

“After talking [through it], it wasn’t realistic for us to have another kid, at least within the next four or five years,” he added.

Because they are married and live in the state of Missouri, on the day of the surgery, Denholm’s wife had to sign a consent form saying she was happy with her husband having the procedure since it wasn’t surgically necessary.

Denholm said those who are considering the procedure should make sure they don’t want any future kids.

“Some people know that they don’t want to have kids but I think if you even have a thought that you might want kids when you’re older, I wouldn’t recommend this [ a vasectomy],” he said.

“My situation had a lot of variables that meant a vasectomy was the best for me and it was a very specific situation,” he explained.

He said it took him about a week to recover from the surgery.

“The first week of recovering was the hardest and I sometimes still get a pain in my groin,” he said.

He said the pain was “worth it.”

“I feel like there is a weight lifted off my chest and I don’t use contraception anymore,” he added.

Denholm posted about the vasectomy on his TikTok account in December and his video went viral, with over 4 million views.

Scores of people commented on his video. Some applauded him while others remarked on how hard it is for a woman to have a female sterilization procedure, called a hysterectomy.


“My husband just got one and we stand by it,” one person said.


“King ,” said another.

“I was 22. Had to go through counseling. No regrets,” remarked a third.

A few of his followers shared their troubles with getting a doctor to remove their wombs.

“I asked my OB-GYN if i could get a hysterectomy at 19 and again at 20. The doctor refused to even think about it and laughed at me. She said I’m too young and i would want kids,” one said.

‘And here I am at 39 begging to get a hysterectomy bc of horrible cramps and repeatedly getting denied,’ another added.