GP shares three reasons for a bad cough and when to see a doctor

Young man having asthma problems and coughing badly covering mouth and holding hand on chest
A doctor has shared three common causes of a cough -Credit:Shared Content Unit

A doctor who says that 'everybody' seems to be suffering from a chronic cough at the moment has explained some possible causes behind the problem as well as when sufferers should make an appointment to have it seen to.

Winter - and even spring - coughs can be very common, along with cold-like symptoms, and are usually just due to people being a bit run-down and under the weather. But many people are becoming increasingly frustrated by those which continue to linger.

A cough can be attributed to many different conditions - a cold, flu, Covid and hay fever being just some of them - and a doctor has offered some advice on which kind of cough to be wary of, reports The Express. Speaking on social media platform TikTok, the GP - known online as Doctor Ahmed or Dr A - told of the number of coughing cases he had noted in just one morning.

He said: “I was duty doctor this morning and I've seen 20 patients and every one, apart from two or three patients, came in with the same complaint. That symptom is this ongoing chronic cough that everybody seems to have.”

And he shared some causes of a cough - listed below - which he said people should be wary of, adding: “There are so many reasons for having a cough."


According to Dr Ahmed, people “most commonly” have an ongoing cough after contracting a virus. He said: “The inflammation happens after any virus and this can produce a cough that can go on for weeks or - worst case scenario - months.”

Acid reflux

Another common cause for an ongoing chronic cough can be reflux. He explained: “So this is where acids from your stomach go up into the oesophagus and triggers the cough reflex.

“Now, if it goes on for many months - this is very common in younger children - the cough can become habitual and this is more of a neurological response.”

Nasal drip

Another “very common” reason for a chronic cough is post-nasal drip. Dr Ahmed said: “This is where all the congestion in your sinuses drip to the back of your throat and triggers the cough reflex.

"This is the most common at night.”


The doctor added: “You all ask about cough syrups and over-the-counter medications and most of them are a waste of money." For anyone over the age of one, he said all the studies show humidified air and regular steaming to be best treatment because this "helps loosen up all of the congestion in your sinuses saline nasal".

He added: “Washes and drops can be very helpful because they help clear up any inflammation, which you may have from opposed nasal drip.”

When to see your doctor

He urged people to go to their doctor if they have not yet been seen by one and if they have had a cough for many weeks or months. You should also see a doctor, he said, if you:

  • Are coughing up yellow, thick phlegm or blood

  • Have any chest pain, shortness of breath or wheezing

  • Just don not feel like your normal self

He added: “If you don't feel right, and not being reviewed yet, please go to your doctor about any cough.” His advice comes as the UKHSA - the UK Health Security Agency - recently reported rising cases of whooping cough in the UK.