Greater Manchester suburb where burglars don't go has its own queen and 'beautiful' way of life

The estate was inspired by the Garden City movement -Credit:Manchester Evening News
The estate was inspired by the Garden City movement -Credit:Manchester Evening News

It was ideal for living on the outskirts of Oldham. Working men and their families would be whisked away from their cramped, overcrowded terraces to modern, light and airy homes set among green fields.

Front gardens, tree-lined lanes, open space and hot water - it was to be an oasis in industrial Lancashire. At least that was the idea anyway.

By the turn of the 20th Century more than three quarters of Britain's population lived in towns and cities. Places at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution, such as Manchester, Rochdale and Oldham, had exploded in size.

But that brought its own problems. In the smokestack cotton towns of the north west gigantic mills and factories towered over rows and rows of cramped, overcrowded and dilapidated courts and back-to-back terraces.

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Out of the chaos and the squalor emerged the garden city movement. It's been described as 'a visionary alternative' and 'perhaps one of England’s most radical contributions to urban planning'.

Its founder, Ebenezer Howard, envisioned the perfect combination of town and country, with high quality, affordable housing, fresh air, greenery and more space for the people who lived there. The estates would be self-sufficient, with work and transport close at hand.

The Suburb was the brainchild of the Beautiful Oldham Society -Credit:Manchester Evening News
The Suburb was the brainchild of the Beautiful Oldham Society -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Letchworth Garden City and the model villages of Bourneville in Birmingham and Port Sunlight on The Wirral are some of the most well-known examples of the movement, whereas locally Burnage Garden Village in south Manchester and Alkrington in Middleton were also built on the same principles.

And, in Oldham a group of eight philanthropists and 'idealists' were also taking note. Led by housing campaigner Mary Higgs, they formed the 'Beautiful Oldham Society in 1901/2.

Six years later they set about making their suburban dream a reality. They purchased the 50 acre Hollins Green estate from Dame Sarah Lees and her daughter Marjory, who were close friends of Mrs Higgs and supporters of the movement.

Rising Lane, Garden Suburb, date unknown -Credit:Copyright unknown
Rising Lane, Garden Suburb, date unknown -Credit:Copyright unknown

There they built 700 mainly semi-detached houses, using bricks made onsite from the clay underneath the builders' feet. Designed by architects Heywood and Ogden, the estate was laid out in quaint winding streets, rising upwards from Green Lane.

Baths were fitted in every house, sometimes sunk beneath the floorboards in front of the living room fire or stored upright in a kitchen cupboard to be folded down when in use. The first tenant, a Mr J. S. Taylor, of 7 Green Lane, moved in November 1908.

And by the time of the ceremonial unveiling, attended by guest of honour Ebenezer Howard, in August 1909, interest in the new suburb was such that several thousand people turned up. But it soon became apparent that things weren't quite living up to the egalitarian vision of the founders.

The Suburb was once described as 'gentle and genteel, a quiet backwater of high privet hedges and rose trees' -Credit:Manchester Evening News
The Suburb was once described as 'gentle and genteel, a quiet backwater of high privet hedges and rose trees' -Credit:Manchester Evening News

In the early days rents were set at 5s, 9d a week and rates were £8 a year. But that was too expensive for the mill workers and artisans who were the intended tenants.

Instead the town's professionals and middle-classes - doctors, teachers and businessmen - moved in and soon the company's policy changed from building houses for rent to building them for private ownership. "These tenants treasured their homes and jealously guarded their reputation," the Oldham Chronicle wrote in August 1960.

"They resented any intrusion by noise or activity from the busy main road and are largely responsible for the Garden Suburb being what it is today; gentle and genteel, a quiet backwater of high privet hedges and rose trees."

It's a description that largely holds true today. For those who call it home it remains an welcome enclave from the stresses and strain of modern life.

Melanie Wood of Garden Suburb, Oldham
Melanie Wood of Garden Suburb, Oldham -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Teacher Melanie Wood first lived on The Suburb, as its known locally, in the early 2000s then moved back there around eight years ago so her daughter would have a 'nice safe place to live'.

"It's a really, really friendly area," she said. "It sounds corny, but everyone really does let on to you and say hello.

"We had a spate of attempted burglaries the other Christmas, but really quickly we had a meeting, people talked to each other, people were driving round the estate at night keeping an eye out and helping people to feel safe.

"The burglaries stopped pretty much straight away. That's the kind of place it is. You make friends for life here, you really do."

The Garden Suburb association was formed shortly after the estate was built and is still going strong to this day -Credit:Manchester Evening News
The Garden Suburb association was formed shortly after the estate was built and is still going strong to this day -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Today The Suburb remains a place where families and and elderly couples are proud to call home, where neighbours know each other's names. Happy Valley star Sarah Lancashire grew up there with her TV scriptwriter dad. Other former residents include newspaper editors and local dignitaries such as the Mayor and Mayoress.

And the principles that drove the garden city movement more than 120 years ago, are still benefiting the lives of residents to this day.

"It was built to give people a better life," said Melanie. "When you walk round you feel uplifted.

"My friends take the mickey out me, saying I'm like some Stepford Wife, but when I come home from work and turn the corner onto the estate I feel like I can breathe again."

Under the stewardship of the Garden Suburb Association many of the area's traditions have also been maintained. This summer the Suburb's 114th Rose Queen will be crowned, a Lancastrian custom associated with Whit Walks that dates back to Victorian times.

In many towns and villages it was once a major highlight in the social calendar, but has dwindled away in recent years. In the Suburb, however, it's still going strong and has continued uninterrupted through both world wars, only being halted during Covid.

And the Pavilion, built in 1929 and still bearing bespoke bricks embossed with the initials of the children who laid them on either side of the entrance, remains the hub of community, hosting yoga classes, a drama society, a food bank and family celebrations.

Rose Queen Sarah McCullam, 14, prepares for the 101st Garden Suburb Rose Queen parade in 2010
Rose Queen Sarah McCullam, 14, prepares for the 101st Garden Suburb Rose Queen parade in 2010

Frank Murphy, 80, a sheet metal worker and later an engineering lecturer at Oldham College, moved onto The Suburb in 1970, buying a delipidated bungalow for around £3,000.

"We couldn't afford it," he said. "We had to stretch ourselves - £3,000 was a lot of money then.

"In the 1950s and 60s it was an aspirational place to live. The mayor and mayoress lived across the road back then.

"But to be honest when I was younger it was a bit snobbish. Some of the older generation would look at you like 'Who's that strange boy?'.

"But it's always been a bit of an oasis. When I turn into the Suburb it feels like home. A lot of my friends and contemporaries moved away from Oldham, to Lees and High Crompton, but I have never had any need to move."