"I grew concerned when my eyesight didn't improve. Now at 90 I have my life back"

-Credit: (Image: Practice Plus Group)
-Credit: (Image: Practice Plus Group)

A woman from Rochdale has spoken out to urge people with vision problems to be aware of Macular disease.

Macular Awareness Week runs from 24th to 30th June, highlighting the dangers of the disease. 300 people in the UK are diagnosed with the disease daily and is the biggest cause of sight loss, affecting 1.5 million people in the country.

Angela Lewis was one of these people, after she began experiencing vision problems in her mid 80s. Having lived on her own for many years, and loving her independence, she became frustrated when her vision began affecting her ability to perform everyday tasks.

Angela also had to stop driving due to blurred vision, leading her to the optician who gave her new glasses but caused little improvement. A trip to the GP brought a formal diagnosis of Macular degeneration.

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Despite treatment, when things did not improve, doctors informed her there was nothing else they could do, leading Angela to move back in with her daughter.

Angela was diagnosed with Macular degeneration -Credit:Practice Plus Group
Angela was diagnosed with Macular degeneration -Credit:Practice Plus Group

Angela said: “I registered with a new optician in Rochdale who referred me to Manchester eye hospital. After a few visits and various tests, the diagnosis of Macular Degeneration was confirmed again. I was offered more eye injections, but having found them to be ineffective before, I didn’t want to go through more rounds of the same treatment,"

“Fortunately, my granddaughter had heard of a local eye clinic run by Practice Plus Group. My family requested a referral from my optician to their service."

She praised the support she was given by their staff noting they were 'professional, caring and friendly' and that the treatment she was given under their care, injections with a different medication to what she had had previously and made her sight 'so much better'.

Angela said: “It is now one year since my last injection and things have not worsened at all - in fact they have stabilised. My improved eyesight and independence boosted my confidence so much that I decided to move into my own apartment and live independently once more. It’s wonderful. At 90 I feel like I have my life back. My daughter, Maria, visits regularly as she lives nearby so I have the best of both worlds – my family close at hand, but living independently,"

“I can walk to the local supermarket with my shopping trolley and shop for myself, and I’ve even started back with my favourite hobby – gardening. I love to potter about in the garden especially now I have my own again."

Ophthalmologists are also urging members of the public to undergo regular eye screenings to help catch symptoms early of sight loss.

Practice Plus Group Consultant Ophthalmologist, Charles Kanavati said: "As we grow older, changes in our vision can occur. As AMD cause your vision to change over time, you may not notice these changes right away. Early detection and treatment can help slow or stop further loss of sight. You should regularly monitor your vision - looking for blurry, distorted, or blank spots in your field of vision, and get regular eye exams with an optician or ophthalmologist. Eating a well-balanced diet including dark leafy greens, yellow fruits and vegetables, fish and getting enough exercise can help, as well as quitting smoking.

“Finally, If you have AMD, you can learn how to make the most of your vision. Often you can still do many of your favourite things with special low vision aids like different kinds of magnifying tools, handheld computers, electronic items and low vision support services, enabling you to be as independent as possible.”

Ophthalmologists are urging people to go for regular eye screenings -Credit:Practice Plus Group
Ophthalmologists are urging people to go for regular eye screenings -Credit:Practice Plus Group

Susie McCallum, Community & Events Fundraising Manager for the Macular Society, says: "Macular disease is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, with around 300 people diagnosed every day. It steals your sight, your confidence and your ability to do the things you love,"

"There is only one way to beat macular disease for good: we must fund much more research now, until we find a cure, or find treatments that stop it in its tracks. Awareness events, such as those organised by the Practice Plus Group ophthalmology team are vital to our cause. Helping people to understand the condition and raise essential funds for research that finds a cure is the only way to beat macular disease for good.”

During Macular Awareness Week Practice Plus Group, Rochdale, is hosting an informative fundraising event for the Macular Society at its Mobile Eye Unit in Tameside, where guests are invited to join the ophthalmology team to learn about Macular disease and speak to the team about treatment options.

The event will be held on Wednesday 26th June, from 9am – 5pm in Tameside at ASDA on Cavendish Street.