GRiD deny involvement with Israel stating Palestine protestors were 'ill-informed'

The incident happened in the morning of June 27 <i>(Image: Palestine Action)</i>
The incident happened in the morning of June 27 (Image: Palestine Action)

A Wooburn Green-based business has denied having any involvement with Israel after their building was vandalised by pro-Palestine supporters.

In the early hours of Thursday, June 27, GRiD Defence Systems, which is based along Holtspur Lane in the village, was broken into by four members of the Palestine Action group.

They smashed nearly 20 windows, threw equipment from the top floor onto the ground, erected several Palestine flags and splattered red and green paint across the premises.

The four individuals, a 56-year-old man and three women aged 24, 30 and 31 have all been arrested on suspicion of burglary other than a dwelling and criminal damage.

One of the other women who was arrested (Image: Palestine Action)

At the time of writing, they are currently in custody.

Following the incident, a spokesperson from the company said: “GRiD Defence Systems (GRiD) is saddened to have had its premises attacked.

“It is fortunate and we are thankful that no one was harmed.

“The matter is now being handled by the police.

“The protestors were ill-informed and mistaken about the type of work GRiD is involved with.

“GRiD is a small British company that makes portable computers that can be used in many different roles, typically in harsh environments.

“GRiD provides its computers in support of the British Armed Forces.

“It does not supply equipment to Israel or for use in Israel.”

The protest has been made with much condemnation by residents and politicians alike.

Khalil Ahmed of the Workers Party, who hopes to be High Wycombe’s next MP at next week’s General Election, is an open supporter of the Middle Eastern country, but has slammed the behaviour of the four individuals.

He told the Free Press: “I do not support any actions of a criminal nature in support of any cause.

“All protests should be conducted in a lawful and peaceful manner without damage to any person or property.”

One resident, who asked to be anonymous, said: “I walked down the hill earlier this morning and saw the police cordon along with the mess.

“Wooburn is a quiet place so I’m shocked that something like this has happened here.

“You don’t expect this kind of thing.

“Who does this benefit?

One of the women who was arrested at the scene (Image: Palestine Action)

“All they’ve done is cause significant criminal damage and hassle.

“I appreciate the point they are getting across, but there is a way of doing it and this isn’t the way.

“Vandalism draws attention but not the right type of attention and they should put their energy in protesting in a more peaceful way.”

One man, who happened to be in the area for the day from London, said: “They are ruining different businesses, people’s days, work and it’s pathetic.

Four people were taken away by the police (Image: Palestine Action)

“There are other ways to protest about this without causing damage.

“This causes a negative spin on the cause they are fighting for.

“If anything, seeing that damage and vandalism makes me not want to support their cause.”

Palestine Action have claimed responsibility for the crime, stating that they 'will continue until every ounce of British complicity in the occupation of Palestine is undone.'