Griff Rhys Jones wants to ask Boris Johnson: 'What the hell are you doing?'

Griff Rhys Jones says he was a defender of Boris Johnson at the beginner - but no more! (Image: Getty Images)
Griff Rhys Jones says he was a defender of Boris Johnson at the beginner - but no more! (Image: Getty Images)

With an impressive entertainment career spanning over 40 years, it’s safe to say that actor, writer and comedian Griff Rhys Jones has seen it all in the world of politics, however, the latest prime minister has him totally baffled.

Speaking on White Wine Question Time, Rhys Jones was asked by Kate Thornton about what questions he’d like to put to famous people. The funny man had no hesitation about what he’d like to ask Boris Johnson.

“I'd like to ask him, 'What the hell are you doing?',” he exclaimed. “I just do not understand what you're doing at the moment. I just don't understand.”

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The Welsh born comedian isn’t the only one. As of October, the YouGov approval rating showed that 59% of people thought he was doing a bad job of navigating the UK through the pandemic.

For Rhys Jones it’s a lack of vision from the PM that he’s struggling with.

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He told Thornton: “I understand his problems, but I'd like to ask him if he'd just clarify what his sort of vision of himself, he has now as a leader?

“And where we're going to and how are we going to solve the problems that we've got ourselves into?”

Griff Rhys Jones says he wonders what 'the hell' Boris Johnson is doing at the moment (Image: Getty Images)
Griff Rhys Jones says he wonders what 'the hell' Boris Johnson is doing at the moment (Image: Getty Images)

“I understand he's got a difficult position – there's no doubt about that – but I think they are not handling it in a way, which is making it clear to the population.”

Rhys Jones, who previously threatened to leave the UK if Labour won the 2015 election, said he was at first quite open to Johnson becoming Prime Minister, but his leadership qualities of recent months has now changed his mind.

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“Somebody said, 'Oh, Boris, you couldn't elect him – he's just a buffoon',” he recalled.

“You know, we shouldn't assume that just because people are funny that they're useless, never think like that. I was sort of quite prepared to be a sort of supporter of Boris Johnson, but I'm afraid I don't find that anymore.”

Hear Griff Rhys Jones talk about why he’s raiding his celebrity mates’ junk cupboards in this week’s episode of White Wine Question Time. Listen now on iTunes and Spotify.

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