Hair expert warns of one thing in hotel that is 'breeding ground for bacteria'

Dark hair white latinamerican young woman touching and taming her hair in front of the mirror during morning routine
-Credit: (Image: Kryssia Campos)

With holiday season underway, many hotels across the world are going to be full of tourists on a summer getaway.

The good thing about checking into this kind of accommodation is that many amenities are provided for you, making more room in your suitcase for those holiday outfits. But an expert has raised the alarm over one hotel tool that could be doing more harm than good.

According to Jacqui McIntosh, a trichologist who specialises in hair texture management the hair dryer lurking in your hotel room might be the grimiest item you use during your stay. The expert highlighted that "neglected hair dryers are time bombs waiting to go off".

Past studies suggest that these dryers are often overlooked by cleaners, making them a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Among some of the risks Jacqui has warned of include scalp irritation, bacterial and fungal contamination, and hair breakage.

Jacqui said: “Using a hairdryer riddled with bacteria and germs does pose health risks and can be detrimental to your hair health.

"Let’s talk about the dirty truth of hair dryers left unclean. They become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. When these pesky microorganisms find their way onto your hair and scalp, they can spark infections and irritations, disrupting your hair follicles and slowing down healthy growth.

"Dust, mould, and other unseen culprits lurking in neglected hair dryers aren’t just unhygienic—they’re troublemakers for your scalp. Brace yourself for irritation, dandruff, and a flurry of other hair woes such as dullness, frizz and even hair loss.

"Blocked vents mean heat distribution goes haywire. Some parts of your hair get blasted with too much heat, leading to dryness, brittleness, and split ends."

Finally, Jacqui highlights how hair dryers that remain uncleaned can lead to dust and debris build up inside the device and this can prompt overheating, "increasing the risk of singeing your hair or scalp".

If you want to bring your own hair dryer on holiday but don't want to spend a fortune, this BaByliss hair dryer is nearly half price on Amazon at £33.38. For those looking to make a bigger investment, check out this review of a a £270 Shark hair dryer.

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