Hajj tragedy as more than 1,300 died in Saudi Arabia heatwave

This year's Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia has seen a tragic death toll of at least 1,301 people due to intense heat. The majority of those who lost their lives were unauthorised pilgrims who braved the intense 50C heatwave and walked long distances.

The Middle East has been experiencing unbearable heat extremes recently, leading to numerous fatalities. Saudi Arabia's official news agency SPA reported that over three-quarters of those who died did not have the necessary permits to participate and were walking under direct sunlight without any shelter.

Many of the victims were either elderly or suffering from chronic illnesses. Saudi health minister Fahd Al-Jalajel stated that pilgrims had been informed about the dangers of heat stress and given advice on how to cope with it.

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He expressed his condolences, saying: "May Allah forgive and have mercy on the deceased. Our heartfelt condolences go to their families."

Al-Jalajel also revealed that nearly half a million pilgrims received treatment and some are still in hospital dealing with heat exhaustion. According to officials in Cairo, more than half of the fatalities were Egyptians.

In response, Egypt revoked the licences of 16 travel agencies that facilitated unauthorised pilgrims' travel to Saudi Arabia. While deaths during the Hajj, a five-day pilgrimage attracting sometimes over two million people, are not unusual, this year's figure is exceptionally high, indicating extraordinary circumstances.

During the Hajj period, daily high temperatures ranged between 46C and 49C in Mecca and sacred sites in and around the city, according to the Saudi National Centre for Meteorology.

At times, temperatures have reached at least 51.8C in the shade. Saudi Arabia has been heavily criticised for not making more efforts to ensure the hajj was safer.

Unregistered pilgrims had no access to facilities such as air conditioned tents and official hajj transport.