Hamilton stalker disguised himself as Amazon delivery driver before attacking ex in her home

Kevin McPherson
Kevin McPherson -Credit:Pressteam

A stalker who disguised himself as an Amazon delivery driver before attacking his ex-girlfriend in her own home is facing jail.

Kevin McPherson, 28, started a relationship with Ella McIndoe, 20, after watching her singing on YouTube.

But he left her alarmed after he began to control aspects of her life and bombard her with emails and texts.

The relationship broke down but McPherson continued to hound McIndoe, threaten her with violence and even set up a fake account on dating app Tinder and pretended to be her.

In one message, he wrote: "I made a new Tinder for you, do you want to see it?"

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Police were called in and McPherson was arrested and released under strict bail conditions not to contact McIndoe or enter her hometown of Hamilton, Lanarkshire.

But he later turned up at her home dressed as a courier delivering a parcel from Amazon with his face hidden by a Covid-style face mask.

After McIndoe, then 17, opened the door, the thug forced his way into her home, put his hands around her neck and assaulted her.

McPherson, of Glasgow, denied all wrongdoing and went on trial at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

Jurors convicted him of charges of stalking, assault and breaching bail conditions between December 2020 and June 2021 after a six-day trial.

In evidence, McPherson, who is a full-time carer for his mum, told defence advocate Charles Ferguson he had not disguised himself and attacked McIndoe.

He said: "The last time I was at her home was in December 2020.

"It was a lot to take in when the police came in and arrested me."

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Depute fiscal John Coogan asked for a non-harassment order to be granted to keep McPherson away from his victim who is now being supported by domestic abuse support service known as Assist.

The prosecutor said: "Information I have from Assist is that the complainer has appreciated the protection of the court in the form of bail conditions and would wish to still have that protection by way of a non-harassment order for as long as possible."

Sheriff John Hamilton KC deferred sentence on first offender McPherson until next month for reports and continued bail.

But he warned: "I want an assessment of your risk and I am considering an extended sentence.

"I'm going to advise you that I'm extremely concerned by this conviction because the conduct was serious, especially the breach of bail where you assaulted Miss McIndoe.

"I'm wanting to find out exactly what you were thinking then and what you are thinking now before deciding on any punishment."