'Harvey' cast list announced

Feb. 23—GREENSBURG — The South Decatur High School Drama Department 's production of the stage comedy "Harvey" is scheduled for the SDHS Cafetorium stage at 7 p.m. April 4, 5 and 6.

Elwood P. Dowd (played by senior Bob Tryon) claims to have an unseen (and presumably imaginary) friend named Harvey, who Elwood describes as a six foot, three-and-one-half inch tall rabbit. Elwood introduces Harvey to everyone he meets.

His social-climbing sister, Veta Simmons (senior Mary Schwering) increasingly finds his eccentric behavior embarrassing and tries to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium.

When he arrives there, a comedy of errors ensues.

When Veta confesses that she, too, has seen Harvey Dr. Sanderson (Blake Allen) commits Veta instead of Elwood. When the mistake comes out, the search is on for Elwood and his invisible companion.

When Elwood shows up at the sanitarium looking for his lost friend (Harvey), it seems that the mild-mannered Elwood has had a strange influence on the staff, including sanitarium director Dr. Chumley (Gabe Lux).

Just before Elwood is to be given an injection that will make him into a "perfectly normal human being," Veta realizes that she would rather have Elwood the same as he has always been — carefree and kind — even if it means living with Harvey.

"Harvey," written by American journalist Mary Chase, opened on Broadway in November 1944 and was a smash hit, running for four and a half years and 1,775 performances, closing on Jan. 15, 1949.

"Harvey" was made into a movie in 1950 and starred James Stewart in the role of Edward P. Dowd.

Director Amanda Gault played Betty Chumley when she was a senior at SDHS.

"I was having a hard time choosing a play for this spring, but kept coming back to 'Harvey.' I had also thought about it last spring when I was brainstorming shows then too," Gault said. "The seniors seemed excited about the possibility of doing this comedy, so here we are!"

Contact Bill Rethlake at 812-651-0876 or email bill.rethlake@greensburgdailynews.com