Harvey Weinstein’s youngest known accuser Kaja Sokola speaks out against movie mogul

Harvey Weinstein’s youngest known accuser Kaja Sokola speaks out against movie mogul

Harvey Weinstein’s youngest known accuser, former model Kaja Sokola, has spoken out against the movie mogul.

She was 16 when she first met the movie producer at an event. He was 50 at the time.

Now 35, Sokola has opened up to tell her story in a new interview with Rolling Stone.

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“People at the event said, ‘This is the king of Hollywood, and he can make everything happen,’” Sokola recalled of her first encounter with Weinstein. “He said, ‘If you want to be an actress, I can see you have potential and I would like to meet with you for lunch and discuss it.’ Of course, I’ve heard, ‘Do not go out for dinners. People can put all sorts of drugs in your drinks.’ But a lunch seemed safe.”

Reiterating what she had detailed in her 2019 lawsuit, Sokola said she gave Weinstein her phone number. Three days later, he called her and picked her up for lunch. When he asked her old she was, she told him she was 16.

Afterwards, they were dropped off at his Soho apartment, where she alleges that within minutes Weinstein sexually assaulted her.

Kaja Sokola (Patrick McMullan via Getty Image)
Kaja Sokola (Patrick McMullan via Getty Image)

She said when she tried to flee, he obstructed her exit and gripped her arms to hold her in place. He then attempted to neutralise the situation by claiming it was normal in the industry, before listing off names like Gwyneth Paltrow and Penélope Cruz as women whose careers he’d helped.

Years after, Sokola says Weinstein continued to keep her on the hook by promising to help her career.

Weinstein’s attorney Imran H Ansari has stated that his client “categorically and emphatically” denies Sokola’s allegations.

Ansari added: “A timeline of events, corroborated by other evidence, including witness testimony, will refute Ms Sokola’s allegations of sexual abuse as a minor, that were statutorily required to be alleged in her complaint in order to sue Mr Weinstein under the Child Victims Act and not be time-barred due to the passing of the statute of limitations.”

Weinstein’s spokesperson additionally claims that the producer didn’t purchase his Soho apartment – the location Sokola alleges the attack took place – until 2005.

Sokola’s suit also directly takes aim at Disney, the former parent company of Miramax, the TV company Weinstein co-founded with his brother Bob.

“During the time Disney owned Miramax, Miramax paid settlements to multiple women who were victims of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment and abuse. Based on Disney’s control of Miramax finances, Disney knew or should have known of these payments, which should have caused additional inquiry and investigation,” reads the complaint filed in December 2019.

Harvey Weinstein (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Harvey Weinstein (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The Independent has reached out to Disney for comment.

Bob and Miramax are also listed as defendants in Sokola’s suit.

“This suit is yet another attempt to hold Bob Weinstein responsible for an alleged sexual assault committed by Harvey Weinstein that Bob had nothing to do with,” Gary Stein, Bob’s attorney said. “Numerous similar claims have been filed against Bob over the past several years. Each and every one of them has been dismissed by the courts.”

The Independent has reached out to Miramax for comment.

Since New York Times’s original damning 2017 report about Weinstein was published, more than 80 accusers have come forward.

Weinstein, 70, is currently serving a 23-year sentence in Los Angeles while awaiting trial on 11 additional charges. He is also facing two counts of indecent assault against a woman in London in August 1996.

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