Headteacher speaks out after bomb hoax received by schools

Police at St George's Catholic College <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Police at St George's Catholic College (Image: NQ)

A Southampton headteacher has issued a statement after his school received a bomb hoax this morning.

St George's Catholic College was one of six schools in Southampton to receive calls with a bomb hoax this morning.

Now, its headteacher has spoken about the situation.

LIVE UPDATES: Schools evacuated after 'bomb hoax'

James Habberley told the Echo: "All the children were evacuated from the school building this morning to ensure they are safe and well.

"Police have been here this morning doing a tour of the site and have confirmed the bomb threat is is a hoax.

"All of our students were kept in the shade, given water and access to the toilet. They will now be returning back to their normal lessons."

READ MORE: Police statement in full after bomb hoax evacuates schools

In a letter to parents at 9.10am this morning, Mr Habberley added: "This morning at 8.15am we received a bomb threat via school reception.

"We immediately contacted the police and evacuated the building and all students who have arrived are currently safe and on the back field in the shade whilst we wait for further advice from the police who are currently on site.

"You may or may not be aware, that we are not the only school to receive the bomb threat this morning.

"I will update you when I know more but wanted to let you know the current situation and reassure you that all teh children are safe and well."

A mother of two students at St George’s Catholic College, one in year seven and one in year nine, told the Echo: "I received a text message from my son that said there had been a bomb threat at the school.

"As any parent I quickly got dressed and drove straight up here to make sure everything was okay.

"I tried to do a little research and saw that the Echo had posted Bittene Park School was closed.

"I did start to wonder if the two incidents were connected. I’m glad everything is okay now and the students are back to normal."