Heartbreaking Blog Documents The Final Hours Of Cancer-Stricken Dog

An emotional blog outlines the day an adorable Labrador lost his life to cancer

An image from Robyn Arouty's blog piece
An image from Robyn Arouty's blog piece

An emotional blog has told of the final heart wrenching hours of a dog suffering from cancer – from the animal’s point of view.
The blog, titled ‘I Died Today by Duke Roberts’ shows the final day in the life of Duke, a black Labrador living in Houston, Texas.
He was initially diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his leg, but the tumour continued to grow - despite the amputation of his front leg.

But in the touching photos of his final few hours, Duke can be seen enjoying a party held in his honour, and eating hamburgers.

Other photos in the series, which were taken from Duke’s perspective, show the animal relaxing with owner Jordan Roberts, his groomer Kirsten, and next door neighbours.
However, the most gut-wrenching moment comes at the end of the blog, when his owner is seen crying while a vet administers a  lethal injection to end the dog’s life.
Writing from Duke’s perspective, the blog author touchingly wrote: ‘I felt no pain, even though the tumour grew so big.
‘Our time was short. But you both gave me a second chance and we lived it up together. You love when I look at you. I’ll never stop.
The photographs are the work of photographer Robyn Aurouty, who is known for her unique animal photography.
Describing the photo series on her website, she wrote: ‘Duke’s story has forever changed my life.
‘Simply put, I wasn’t afraid to photograph between the lines of life and his bittersweet goodbye.
‘The last day of his adventure here forced us into areas that aren’t comfortable, but they’re necessary.
‘Life is a lot like that, until someone comes along and rescues you’.

The emotional moment family and friends say goodbye (Robyn Arouty)
The emotional moment family and friends say goodbye (Robyn Arouty)