Helston charity shop pays tribute to 'diamond' volunteer on 90th birthday

Pearl Woodyear has been a volunteer at the shop for more than eight years <i>(Image: Kathy White)</i>
Pearl Woodyear has been a volunteer at the shop for more than eight years (Image: Kathy White)

One of Helston's charity shops has celebrated its long-standing volunteers on her 90th birthday.

Pearl Woodyear, a much-loved volunteer at Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) on Coinagehall Street celebrated her birthday earlier this month with members of the team and customers.

Known by many for her infectious smile, and glamourous style, Pearl is dedicated to her role as a volunteer and drives from St Keverne to Helston three times a week for her four-hour morning shifts.

For more than eight years, Pearl has been a familiar and friendly face for local shoppers, offering her knowledge and wisdom.

Pearl was presented with a bunch of flowers for her birthday (Image: Children's Hospice South West Facebook)

“Pearl is an absolute superstar on the till,” said Jerome Brown, area retail manager for CHSW. “She knows a lot of the regulars by name, and they all comment on how glamorous and colourful she always looks.”

However, Pearl’s contributions extend beyond her cheerful demeanour. Her baking skills, particularly her triple-layered raspberry Victora sponge is a delight for her colleagues.

Michelle Collins, assistant manager at the shops, spoke of the impact that Pearl has on their lives, and the customers. She said: “She is one of our long-standing volunteers, she’s just amazing.

Pearl with colleagues on customers (Image: Kathy White)

She knows everyone, she’s very knowledgeable, customers love her, and she always has a smile on her face.

“She is our diamond.”

Despite living independently, Pearl remains actively involved in her community, contributing to various activities in St Keverne, and was once heavily involved in the villages WI.