Hereford Bull 'Rebel Kicks' named 'Champion of Champions' at Northumberland County Show

The Champion of Champions, Hereford Bull 'Moralee 1 Rebel Kicks' owned by Thomas and Diane Harrison
-Credit: (Image: Neil Denham)

A strapping Hereford Bull has been crowned the Champion of Champions at this year's Northumberland County Show.

The bull, called 'Moralee 1 Rebel Kicks' owned by Thomas and Diane Harrison of Mickley, was awarded the top prize at the annual show in Bywell on Saturday. Thomas and Diane are longstanding competitors at the show, with Diane previously running the Cattle Section. Tommy was also in the management committee for many years in a variety of posts.

The couple have a superb herd of pedigree Herefords, but despite this being their local show, they have never won the prize before. Rebel Kicks had a successful year in 2021, when Thomas and Diane retired him from showing, but that year the Northumberland County Show did not run due to the Covid pandemic.

Diane said: "Rebel Kicks had looked very well after overwintering inside, and we thought we might give him one more chance in the ring, and so this is amazing.” Thomas, who was visibly moved following the win, added: “This is just the icing on the cake!”

The Champion of Champions, Hereford Bull 'Moralee 1 Rebel Kicks' owned by Thomas and Diane Harrison
The Champion of Champions, Hereford Bull 'Moralee 1 Rebel Kicks' owned by Thomas and Diane Harrison -Credit:Neil Denham

The Reserve Champion of Champions was a Large Black pig called Matilda. The breed is on the critically endangered list, and there are fewer than 300 breeding sows in the country. Owner, Dave Wild of Medburn, near Ponteland, said: “This is a great day for us, and for the Large Black Pig breed.

"Many native British pig breeds are at risk of extinction, so this provides awareness of the work we are doing in the conservation of rare breeds.” Three-year-old Matilda is carrying a precious cargo of piglets, which will hopefully swell the numbers of the breed.

Last year’s Champion of Champions winner was back in the line up again this year, with another Texel ewe. Jonathan Aiken won the youngsRPS Sheep Championship with another superb animal.

The Northumbria Leisure Light Horse Supreme Champion was a show pony called Roseberry Jubilation, owned by Suisan Burgess and ridden by Grace Sidebotham. Peter Macklam, owner of Northumbria Leisure, the Section’s Sponsors, judged and presented the prize to Grace. Peter celebrated his 80th birthday at the show, and had enjoyed a rousing chorus of ‘Happy Birthday' from the thousands of visitors around the main arena at lunchtime during the Grand Opening Ceremony.

The hugely popular one-day agricultural event attracts visitors, competitors, and traders from all across the North East; as well as Scotland, Cumbria and North Yorkshire. Run by the Tynedale agricultural society, it takes place in the village of Bywell, near Stocksfield, in the grounds and parklands surrounding Bywell Hall.