Hero carer died 'jumping into' freezing canal to save autistic man who had fallen into the water

Ceri Jenkins died after he jumped into a canal to save an autistic man who fell into the water -Credit:The Jenkins family
Ceri Jenkins died after he jumped into a canal to save an autistic man who fell into the water -Credit:The Jenkins family

A widow has paid tribute to her carer husband who an inquest heard jumped into a freezing canal to save an autistic man he was caring for. Both men died.

Ceri John Jenkins, known as ‘Ces’, 60, and the man he was looking after, Aaron Ritchie, 49, both died after going into the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in Wigan on Tuesday afternoon of November 28 last year. Both men were pulled from the water by specialist divers during a huge emergency response and later died in hospital. The double tragedy happened at Crank Wood, a beauty spot in the Abram area of the town.

Today (Wednesday) it emerged Ceri, a carer at Mayfield House supported living accommodation, had been urged to take Aaron, who was said to have the mental age of a ten-year-old, for his favourite walk along the canal while building work was continuing.

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Mr Jenkins' wife Lorraine Jenkins, in a statement read out at Bolton Coroners' Court, said her husband was born in Bromley, Kent, where he lived with his parents, sister and younger brother. The family moved to Wisconsin in the USA but moved back to the UK, setting up home in Halton, a picturesque village just north of Lancaster.

Ceri was academically gifted, like his father, and had a scholarship to study at Oxford University where he obtained a ‘very good degree’, the inquest was told.

Mrs Jenkins said the couple married in 2000 and set up home in Wigan where he was a devoted step-father to her three children. Mr Jenkins' tastes were described as ‘eclectic’ with interests in cabinet making, DIY, tennis, gardening, conservation, nature, Manchester United and the Wales rugby team.

“He was the most loving and supportive husband you could ever wish for,” said Mrs Jenkins. Her husband also became a carer and ‘took great pride’ in helping others particularly people with autism, she said.

“If Aaron had got into difficulty Ces wouldn’t have thought twice and would have jumped in to try and assist because he would think that’s the right thing to do,” said Mrs Jenkins. The court heard no 'direct evidence' had been uncovered to explain how the two ended up in the water.

Mrs Jenkins thanked those who tried to help Ceri and Aaron on the day, including the emergency services and later in hospital. “I know they tried everything they could to help them,” she said.

Jacqueline Darbyshire, Aaron’s auntie, said in a statement read out in court that he was an only child who had a difficult birth and was diagnosed with autism and epilepsy which affected him for the rest of his life. Aaron didn’t attend mainstream school because of his disability and he struggled to communicate, read or write, the inquest was told.

Mrs Darbyshire said Aaron’s mother died in 2007 and he was moved into supported accommodation. He felt ‘comfortable’ around people he knew, she said.

Aaron had the mental age of a ten-year-old and was said to be ‘fixated’ with spinning tops and putting shoelaces on washing lines, the court heard. He was ‘quite lovable’ but could be ‘moody and obstructive’ if he didn’t get his way. He only spoke a few words, could swear and had no sense of fear, according to Mrs Darbyshire

Aaron ‘loved’ days out with staff and one of his favourite walks was along the canal towpath. He would sometimes jump up and down in excitement at the sight of water but was not ‘fixated’ and would not jump into water, she said.

Mrs Darbyshire said her nephew would sometimes run off when he felt ‘giddy’ but had learned not to cross a road without his carer. She said, however, he had ‘no sense of danger’. He would ‘more or less always’ respond to an instruction from his carer, she said.

Asked what she thought had happened, Mrs Darbyshire said ‘we will never know’ what went on but that she suspected he had slipped and fallen into the water. She said: “He might have slipped because the towpath was slippy… I just think he slipped in. It was icy under that bridge.”

Questioned by Ceri’s brother Steven, Mrs Darbyshire said a change in temperature could set off one of her nephew’s seizures. He would fall to the ground or stand with his fists clenched if he had a fit, the court was told.

The inquest was brought to a halt when Steven Jenkins, on behalf of the Jenkins family, said they believed Ceri's death had been a workplace accident even though he was on the canal and that some 'issues need to be explored' particularly around what training had been provided or risk-assessment had been done.

Senior Coroner Timothy Brennand adjourned the proceedings for a new hearing later in the year which he said would question whether there were 'systemic failings'. He invited both families, who were not represented by lawyers in court, to consider whether they needed the help of a specialist barrister.

He said he was giving Mayfield House and Wigan Council 'interested person' status when the inquest resumes. The inquest will resume on December 4 and 5.
