Hero teen gave mum the chance to look into her dying son's eyes

-Credit: (Image: Courtesy of Jessica Causer / SWNS)
-Credit: (Image: Courtesy of Jessica Causer / SWNS)

A grief-stricken mother was able to share a final moment with her dying son thanks to the heroic actions of his autistic brother, the family has disclosed.

David Mason, 19, was playing video games when a fire broke out at their Wigan home in Greater Manchester around 1am on April 14. He quickly woke his parents and called 999 before jumping from his bedroom window to safety, breaking his back in the process.

His father, Barry, 45, tragically lost his life while saving David's younger brother Ethan, 4, from the blaze, which is believed to have started in a kitchen fridge.

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Despite suffering serious burns, David managed to roll Ethan on the ground to extinguish the flames and attempted to rescue his father before firefighters arrived. David carried Ethan - who later passed away - to the front of the house, allowing his mother Rachel to hold him one last time.

David and Rachel, 41, survived the fire along with siblings Isaac, 14, and Bethany, 16.

Their aunt, Jessica Causer, praised David's bravery, stating: "David is a hero like his Daddy and without him nobody would have survived. Without hesitation and with a broken back, David reached in and pulled Ethan from the fire, seriously burning himself in the process.

"Once he had rolled Ethan on the grass to put out the flames he attempted to pull out his daddy too just as the firefighters turned up to take over. He then carried Ethan to the front and placed him in his mother's arms allowing her the last chance to hold him and look into his eyes.

"Because of David's brave actions, before Ethan lost consciousness, the last thing he saw and felt was his mummy's comfort. The last thing his daddy saw before he passed away was Ethan being rescued by his big brother."

The home after the fire
The home after the fire -Credit:National World / SWNS

Jessica said David, who also has ADHD and is classed as vulnerable, had been awake when the fire had started as he was a "bit of a night owl".

And although his disorders had made it hard for him to use the phone, he was able to tell the fire service his address so they could get there as soon as possible.

She added: "David is the reason why Rachel and three of her children managed to escape the fire. He immediately ran and woke up his mum and dad, then ran to his room to call 999.

"He struggles massively on the phone however he managed to give his address and names and ages of everyone in the house. However by the time he had done this, the flames had reached his bedroom door and he had no option but to jump out of his window, breaking his back from the fall."

Jessica said when severely injured David jumped out of the back window and hit the ground, he then saw his dad Barry trying to bring his brother Ethan to safety. Barry, who was also been hailed a 'superhero' by relatives, had run back into the burning property to try and bring out the tiny lad alive.

And Jessica hailed David's bravery equal to his father's as he attempted to help them both, despite suffering severe burns.

He brought Ethan, who had sustained around 70% burns over his body, to his mother, who succeeded in holding him before he was whisked off in an ambulance.

Sadly, Barry passed away shortly after the fire from his injuries while a devastated announcement was made about Ethan's passing two days later.

In tribute on social media, Jessica earlier wrote: "Little Ethan decided he didn't want his Daddy to be alone, and he is now back in his arms. As a family we are all completely broken but want to thankyou every single one of you for your words of love and support".

Closing her message with a touching photo of Barry hoisting Ethan atop his shoulders, she added, "Our very own Super hero. Barry, we are heartbroken. Such a gentle giant and a devoted Daddy until your last breath.

"Words will never describe just how grateful we are to you, hold our baby tight up there."

Ethan and David were given a joint funeral last week after nearly £64,000 was raised through a fundraiser to cover their burial expenses.