Heroin and crack dealer found with drugs up his bum sobs as he's jailed

Stephen Callery
Stephen Callery -Credit:Merseyside Police

A heroin and crack cocaine dealer wept as he was jailed after being caught with drugs up his bum.

Stephen Callery was found with hidden stashes of class As twice in the space of just six months. He kept the illicit substances in his sock on one occasion, but on another was cycling with the goods in his backside.

Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday afternoon, Monday, that the 51-year-old, of Roby Street in St Helens, was stopped by police while riding a bike in the Barrow area on August 11 last year. On this occasion, Callery was found with 15 wraps of cocaine and eight wraps of heroin "in a plastic bag secreted in his anus" following a strip search.

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Catherine Ellis, prosecuting, described how he was then pulled over while driving on February 24 this year. He "appeared to be fiddling about somewhere about his feet" and, when searched, had 15 wraps of heroin and 21 wraps of crack cocaine in his sock.

Callery claimed to officers that he had "just bought the drugs". He has previous convictions for drug offences in 1993 and 1998, with his most recent brush with the law coming in 2021 for drug driving.

John Rowan, defending, told the court: "He has struggled for some time with his own addiction to class A drugs, particularly heroin and crack cocaine. It is something he has been struggling with for many years since his father left the family home.

"He had a good upbringing, but when his father left towards the end of his teenage years it appears that Mr Callery did not have a father figure and began to associate with negative peers and use hard drugs. That has been a problem for him for some time.

"Despite that, over the years he has managed to hold down several jobs - his last one ending in 2021 due to his conviction for driving with excess drugs. He tells me he had been struggling significantly due to his father's health problems.

"While in custody, his father has passed away and that has affected him emotionally. To his credit, while in custody he has managed to deal with his drug issues.

"He is hopeful, upon his eventual release, to continue the good work he has been doing in custody. He is someone who is now experiencing his first taste in his life of custody.

"He has never been in custody before and he has never been involved in the supply of drugs either. He was at a very low ebb in his life and made the foolish decision to deal with the issues that were facing him by peddling this drugs."

Callery admitted possession of heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply and possession of heroin and cocaine in relation to the earlier incident. Appearing via video link to HMP Altcourse wearing a grey Hugo Boss jumper, he seen blowing his nose with a tissue and wiping tears from his eyes before he was jailed for 30 months.

Sentencing, Judge Stuart Driver KC said: "You were on behalf at the time, having been charged with possession with intent to supply - although it is fair to point out that that was reduced later to simple possession. You are not of previous good character, but that does not make your case any worse.

"You are addicted to drugs yourself. While in custody, you have attempted to rehabilitate yourself.

"You have poor physical and mental health. You have suffered a recent bereavement, and this is your first taste of custody."

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