High cholesterol symptoms and signs you can see on your body - from eyes to hands

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Keeping an eye on your cholesterol levels can be a straightforward way to gauge if you're eating right or getting enough physical activity. However, unless you make a trip to the doctor's office, it can be tricky to determine your true health status.

While it's crucial to get a blood test if you have health concerns, many folks are oblivious to the fact that high cholesterol can be detected just by observing someone.

The accumulation of cholesterol in your body is typically due to factors like a high-fat diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, or genetics. If this fatty cholesterol begins to line your blood vessels excessively, it could lead to a blockage resulting in severe health issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

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As we age, the likelihood of developing high cholesterol increases, with over two-thirds of men and women aged 65 and above diagnosed with elevated levels during routine health screenings. However, anyone can develop high cholesterol due to genetic or environmental factors.

Therefore, being able to identify the signs of cholesterol build-up in your body - simply by looking at yourself in the mirror - is crucial

The only definitive way to know if you have high cholesterol, which can be managed with diet, exercise, and medication, is through a blood test. But if you notice any of these signs on your face, hands, or legs, or if you're merely concerned about your cholesterol levels, you should consult your GP immediately.

The British Heart Foundation has shed light on the role of cholesterol, stating: "Cholesterol is a natural fatty substance in your blood. It's produced in the liver and it's also in some of the foods we eat. Cholesterol is important to keep the cells in our bodies healthy.

"High cholesterol means that you have too much cholesterol in your blood. There are many things that can cause this. If you don't take steps to lower high cholesterol, it can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke."


A young person's eye and iris
Your eyes are the window to your soul, but can also be a window to your physical health -Credit:Getty

One of the tell-tale signs of excessive cholesterol can be detected when looking into someone's eyes, or even your own reflection if you're alone.

Cholesterol circulates through the body via an extensive network of blood vessels, accumulating over time in certain areas. When these build-ups occur around the eye, there are three primary indicators to watch for.

A prevalent symptom of cholesterol is known as a xanthelasma, which manifests as bumps on the eyelid or surrounding skin. These bumps, yellowish due to fatty cholesterol deposits beneath the skin, typically don't cause irritation but signal the possibility of fats accumulating in your bloodstream.

Another common sign that can be spotted in the eyes is known as arcus senilis, which manifests as a blue, white, or grey circle around the iris. It often begins as a line at the top and bottom of the iris before forming a complete circle.

Men are more prone to developing this ring around their iris, which serves as a warning that cholesterol levels may be on the rise. This becomes increasingly prevalent with age.

If this ring appears in children, it's referred to as arcus juveniles, indicating a significant cholesterol imbalance.

The third most frequent symptom of fat accumulation in your blood vessels is the development of a retinal vein occlusion, leading to a bulging eye. This severe condition can occur when cholesterol breaks off and obstructs the vein supplying blood to the retina, causing leakage.


Tingling and painful sensations in your hand
Tingling and painful sensations in your hand could be a sign of high cholesterol -Credit:Getty Images

Just as many signs of cholesterol build-up can be detected in your hands as in your eyes. However, many people might overlook symptoms like a swollen knuckle or small bumps on the hands.

Tendon xanthomata can lead to cholesterol deposits forming around tendons in your body, resulting in soreness and swelling. While this is most noticeable on your knuckle, it can occur anywhere, including your Achilles tendon.

High cholesterol can often be mistaken for other health issues, but one key sign that your levels might be too high is a frequent or painful tingling sensation in your hands. This happens when cholesterol deposits in your blood vessels start to restrict blood flow, causing your hands to tingle as oxygenated blood struggles to reach them.

However, this doesn't cause numbness - if you're experiencing this symptom but can't feel your fingers, it's not due to your cholesterol levels.

Another sign of high cholesterol is pale nails, indicating that not enough blood is flowing through the vessels in your hand.


A man grips his lower thigh and upper calf with his hands
Swollen tendons can be a giveaway of cholesterol build-up -Credit:Getty

The same symptoms can also occur in your legs as cholesterol causes plaques to form in your blood vessels, leading to numbness and tingling throughout your legs. This should prompt a visit to the GP as it could indicate Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).

The NJ Cardiovascular Institute explains: "Your legs are quite far from your heart, but they're also at risk of complications from high cholesterol."

"Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a complication that can develop when the arteries in your legs get too narrow due to buildup from high cholesterol levels."

"PAD can cause numbness and tingling in your legs or feet. Loss of sensation can increase your risk of ulcers and other slow-healing wounds. Another common symptom of PAD is leg pain that feels like muscle cramping, particularly with physical activity."

For those who may be worried about their health or lifestyle, visiting a GP for a cholesterol test and advice on lowering unhealthy levels is the only surefire way to alleviate concerns.

A young person's eye and iris
A young person's eye and iris
Tingling and painful sensations in your hand
Tingling and painful sensations in your hand